US5790308A Computerized microscope specimen encoder 失效

Computerized microscope specimen encoder
A computerized slide encoder for use with microscope analysis and pathological studies is provided. The slide encoder is attached to the movable microscope stage, whereby x-y direction plane movement and location, is correlated to examination of an identified slide, with information marking and location being directly correspondingly written, at pre-defined times, on computer storage media, during the examination. Subsequent use of the computer-stored information, coupled with the slide encoder, in a slide re-examination, permits independent retrieval of such information and location on the slide. The computer storage media includes digitized vocal transcription of history of the slide made during the original examination. An embodiment of the slide encoder includes a computer mouse pen affixed to the stage of the microscope and a rolling surface, for the mouse pen, being affixed to the movable slide holder. Examination movement of the slide causes a corresponding movement of the rolling surface and the roller ball of the mouse pen. Alternatively, the control movement of the slide holder and microscope stage is directly linked to a computer bus for a direct, software controlled, recordation of slide examination and information location markings.