US06870629B1 Optical frequency sweep control and readout by using a phase lock 失效

Optical frequency sweep control and readout by using a phase lock
The invention allows for the accurate, real-time readout of the optical frequency of a swept-wavelength laser device by counting the number of fringes of a calibrated etalon that occur as the laser is swept. The distinguishing feature of the present invention is that the etalon fringe signal is phase-locked to a slave signal of a higher multiple frequency. The higher frequency of the slave signal divides the frequency interval of the etalon fringe spacing by the additional frequency multiple. The slave signal therefore generates a scale for optical frequency that is of higher resolution than possible with the etalon alone. The phase-lock also insures that the slave signal tracks monotonic scans of the optical frequency regardless of scan profile.The invention also allows for the precise, real-time control of the optical frequency of a laser during the sweep of the laser. By comparing a signal proportional to the transmission of light through a calibrated Fabry-Perot etalon to a reference control signal, the phase difference between etalon transmission signal and the reference signal may be fed back to the laser to drive the phase difference to zero (phase-lock). The phase-lock ensures that the optical frequency profile of the sweep follows exactly the frequency profile of the reference signal. Tailoring the input reference signal controls the velocity of the optical-frequency sweep.