US06994671B2 Apparatus and method for screening, olfactory mucosa stimulating compound found by the screening method, and therapeutic apparatus and electrode section for measurement 有权

Apparatus and method for screening, olfactory mucosa stimulating compound found by the screening method, and therapeutic apparatus and electrode section for measurement
A method and apparatus for readily and reliably screening olfactory mucosa stimulating compounds are provided. An olfactory mucosa stimulating compound is sprayed through an atomizing nozzle 33 to an olfactory mucosa of a rat fixed in a test animal fixing device 32. A measuring electrode portion 10 is implanted in an olfactory bulb of the rat for measuring an electrical signal generated in the olfactory bulb. Efficacy of the olfactory mucosa stimulating compound is determined based on a correlation between an electrical signal measured by the measuring electrode portion 10 when the olfactory mucosa stimulating compound is sprayed on the olfactory mucosa of the rat and a physiological response induced in the rat.