Invention Grant
US07696770B2 Self-centering nest for electronics testing 有权

Self-centering nest for electronics testing
The shortcomings of the prior art are overcome and additional advantages are provided through the provision of a self-centering nest for testing of microprocessor chip modules. The self-centering nest includes two slideable jaws disposed on a base diagonally opposite each other. Each jaw includes a jaw pin that is receptive in a carrier, such that when the jaw pins are received in the carrier, the jaws are in an open position. The self-centering nest includes a transfer mechanism for urging a microprocessor chip module from the carrier into the self-centering nest. The self-centering nest includes a plurality of springs, each spring having a first end connected to the first slideable jaw and a second end connected to the second slideable jaw. The springs cause the jaws to move toward each other capturing and centering the microprocessor chip module when the jaws are pulled away from the carrier releasing the jaw pins.
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