US09244525B2 System and method for providing user interaction with projected three-dimensional environments 有权

System and method for providing user interaction with projected three-dimensional environments
There is provided an interactive device capable of providing input data to a computer program in response to user interactions, the interface device comprising a first position sensor reading a sensed location of the interface device having a free roaming movement in a three-dimensional space, a direction vector determination device determining a direction vector indicating an aiming direction, and a transmission system communicating aim information to an external device implementing the computer program. The transmission system may include a transmitter for the direction vector and/or a transmitter for the sensed location. The computer program can use the aim information and input data to support a projected 3D game environment or other application providing sensory feedback in response to the user interactions. Multiple interactive devices having unique identifiers may also be supported. The interactive device enables significant freedom to roam relative to implementing equipment, as compared to existing interactive devices having only a limited range of movement relative to implementing equipment.