Purified expression products of DNA sequences derived of the genome of the LAV virus. It relates more particularly to a glycoprotein having a molecular weight of about 110,000 or antigen of lower molecular weight derived from the preceding one, which purified product possesses the capacity of being recognised by serums of human origin and containing antibodies against the LAV virus. It also relates to other purified polypeptides derived either from the abovesaid glycoprotein or of core proteins of LAV virus. The glycoprotein can be used for the production of immunogenic composition capable of neutralizing the LAV virus. All of the abovesaid glycoprotein or polypeptides can be used as antigens useful in the diagnosis of LAV antibodies in sera of patients.
Purified expression products of DNA sequences derived of the genome of the LAV virus. It relates more particularly to a glycoprotein having a molecular weight of about 110,000 or antigen of lower molecular weight derived from the preceding one, which purified product possesses the capacity of being recognised by serums of human origin and containing antibodies against the LAV virus. It also relates to other purified polypeptides derived either from the abovesaid glycoprotein or of core proteins of LAV virus. The glycoprotein can be used for the production of immunogenic composition capable of neutralizing the LAV virus. All of the abovesaid glycoprotein or polypeptides can be used as antigens useful in the diagnosis of LAV antibodies in sera of patients.
Produits purifiés d'expression de séquences d'ADN dérivées du génome du virus LAV. On décrit particulièrement une glycoprotéine possédant un poids moléculaire d'environ 110 000 ou un antigène de poids moléculaire inférieur dérivé de ladite glycoprotéine, ce produit purifié pouvant être reconnu par des sérums d'origine humaine et contenant des anticorps contre le virus LAV. L'invention se rapporte également à d'autres polypeptides purifiés dérivés soit de ladite glycoprotéine soit de protéines de noyau du virus LAV. La glycoprotéine peut être utilisée pour la production de compositions immunogènes pouvant neutraliser le virus LAV. La glycoprotéine ou les polypeptides ci-décrits peuvent être utilisés comme antigènes utiles dans le diagnostic d'anticorps du LAV dans les sérum prélevés chez les patients.
A method for enriching a mutant nucleic acid in a mixture of nucleic acids, wherein the method comprises: (a) providing a nucleic acid mixture comprising a parental nucleic acid and a mutant nucleic acid of the parental nucleic acid; and (b) amplifying the nucleic acids in the nucleic acid mixture by polymerase chain reaction (PCR); wherein the mutant nucleic acid is a G→A mutant of the parental nucleic acid, which pairs with a fully complementary nucleic acid sequence to form an AT-rich nucleic acid variant of the parental nucleic acid; and wherein the AT-rich nucleic acid variant is denatured and selectively amplified by carrying out PCR using a denaturation temperature 1-3°C lower than the lowest denaturation temperature (Tp) that allows amplification of the parental nucleic acid to thereby enrich the mutant nucleic acid in the nucleic acid mixture.