A current differential protection arrangement for an electric energy supply unit has a measurement value pre-processing device and an evaluating device that checks whether the calculated differential and stabilisation current values lie in a locking or in a triggering range based on a predetermined relation between the differential current and a stabilisation current (characteristic reaction curve). An additional stabilisation range is provided in the locking range. In order to prevent such a protection device from causing a time-locked blocking state following an outer defect and causing saturation of the converter, the evaluating device (21) has a checking device (30) in a stabilising circuit (25) that checks whether the calculated current values define a point in the additional stabilisation range (31). If that is the case, a locking signal is generated to activate a locking device (37) arranged downstream of the checking device (30). When the detected current values subsequently define for the first time a point located outside of the additional stabilisation range (31), a time function element (40) is switched whose output is connected to a resetting input of the blocking device (38).
Um ein Verfahren zum Erzeugen eines Fehlersignals (F), das einen Fehler in einer Energieübertragungsanlage (11) anzeigt, zu schaffen, bei dem an wenigstens einer vorgegebenen Messstelle ein Leiterstrom (I1, I2, I3, I4) in jeder Phase X einer mehrphasigen Leitung gemessen und numerisch eine erste Ableitung eines jeden Leiterstroms (I1, I2, I3, I4) oder eines aus mehreren Leiterströmen ermittelten Stroms (iDiff_x) gebildet wird, mit Hilfe von Prüfkriterien geprüft wird, ob in der Energieübertragungsanlage (11) ein Einschaltvorgang durchgeführt wird, und das Erzeugen des Fehlersignals (F) blockiert wird, solange der Einschaltvorgang anhält, wobei ein erstes Prüfungskriterium erfüllt ist, wenn alle ersten Ableitungen gleichzeitig für ein vorgegebenes Mindestzeitintervall pro Periodendauer des Stromes gleichzeitig einen vorgegebenen ersten Schwellenwert unterschreiten, bei dem Einschaltvorgänge besonders zuverlässig erkannt werden, wird vorgeschlagen, dass bei Erfüllung des ersten Prüfkriteriums die Steigung jeder numerischen ersten Ableitung im Bereich eines Vorzeichenwechsels der jeweiligen ersten Ableitung ermittelt wird, wobei ein zweites Prüfkriterium erfüllt ist, wenn die Steigung der ersten Ableitung einen zweiten Schwellenwert unterschreitet, und wobei das Erzeugen des Fehlersignals blockiert wird, wenn das erste und das zweite Prüfkriterium erfüllt sind .
The invention relates to a differential protection method for generating a fault signal which indicates that a fault has occurred in the region of an electrical component (11) of an energy supply network, wherein current measurement values are measured at each of at least two different measurement points (12a, 12b) of the component and differential current values and stabilization values are formed using the current measurement values, and the fault signal is generated if, within the context of a tripping range test, it is determined that a measured value pair, formed from one of the differential current values and the respectively associated stabilization value, lies in a predetermined tripping range. In order to configure this type of differential protection method in such a way that, at comparatively low complexity, a reliable generation of a fault signal can be guaranteed only when faults are actually present in the region of the electrical component, according to the invention the stabilization current values in a predetermined observation period are compared with the respective associated differential current values and, based on the comparison, a fault indicator is formed, which indicates whether the proportion of the differential current values or the proportion of the stabilization current values is greater, and the generation of the fault signal is blocked if the fault indicator indicates a greater proportion of the stabilization current values. The invention also relates to a corresponding differential protection device.
A method in a three-terminal differential protection comprises measuring a terminal phase current ( I T 1( y ) , I T 2( y ) , I T 3( y ) ), at each terminal (T1, T2, T3) of a protected zone of the differential protection in each phase (L1, L2, L3) to be protected and determining a bias current ( I b ( y ) ) of the phase on the basis of the terminal phase currents ( I T 1( y ) , I T 2( y ) , I T 3( y ) ). The bias current determination comprises subtracting phasor values of the terminal phase currents of two terminals from the phasor value of the terminal phase current of one terminal. The terminal phase current being a minuend in the phasor difference computation is selected on the basis of the phase angles or amplitudes of the terminal phase currents.
A method in a three-terminal differential protection comprises measuring a terminal phase current ( I T 1( y ) , I T 2( y ) , I T 3( y ) ), at each terminal (T1, T2, T3) of a protected zone of the differential protection in each phase (L1, L2, L3) to be protected and determining a bias current ( I b ( y ) ) of the phase on the basis of the terminal phase currents ( I T 1( y ) , I T 2( y ) , I T 3( y ) ). The bias current determination comprises subtracting phasor values of the terminal phase currents of two terminals from the phasor value of the terminal phase current of one terminal. The terminal phase current being a minuend in the phasor difference computation is selected on the basis of the phase angles or amplitudes of the terminal phase currents.
The invention relates among other things to a method for producing an error signal indicating a winding error, in particular a winding short, in a transformer, wherein in the method a triggering measurement value is formed using at least one current measurement value and at least one voltage measurement value, said triggering measurement value being compared to a pre-determined triggering limit, and said error signal being produced when the triggering measurement value has reached or exceeds the pre-determined triggering limit.
The reliability of transformer differential relays is enhanced by providing a method and apparatus which enable improved discrimination between transformer current differentials due to transformer inrush current and current differentials due the occurrence of an internal fault. This improvement in discrimination is provided by generating a first signal representative of currents flowing in at least two windings of the transformer, a second signal representative of a positive portion of the first signal, and a third signal representative of a negative portions of the first signal. A first output signal is generated when the magnitude of the second signal exceeds a first predetermined value, and a second output signal is generated when the magnitude of the third signal exceeds a second predetermined value. A trip signal is generated upon coincidence of the first and second output signals. Additional operate energy is generated when the magnitude of the absolute value of a vector sum operate signal, representative of the vector sum of currents flowing in at least two windings of the transformer, exceeds a first predetermined magnitude. The additional operate energy is terminated and additional restraint energy is generated when the magnitude of a percentage restraint signal, representative of the absolute values of currents flowing in a least two windings of the transformer, exceeds a second predetermined magnitude for a predetermined period of time.