The present invention relates to a method for reducing the energy consumption of an industrial robot comprising a manipulator (8) having a plurality of arms that are movable relative each other about a plurality of axes. The method comprises: defining a model for the energy consumption of the robot dependent on the movements of the axes of the robot, including a relation between the energy consumed due to friction and the speed of the axes, and the energy consumed due to gravity acting on the arms considering the fact that the energy consumed due to gravity can be reduced during standstill one or more of the axes if the axes are mechanically locked, storing a control program specifying a geometric path to be followed by the robot, determining, during at least a part of the work cycle, speed profiles for the axes of the robot when following the specified geometric path with regard to minimizing the energy consumption of the robot and determining whether or not an axis should be mechanically locked during standstill in order to reduce the energy consumption, based on said model for the energy consumption of the robot, and a maximum allowed time for carrying out the robot movement during said part of the work cycle, provided that it is permitted to complete the geometric path in a shorter time than the maximum allowed time, and calculating reference values for the motors of the robot based on the determined speed profiles.