A power feed control arrangement used for feeding in power several circuits TL0-3 all integrated on a same chip. The circuits are used to supply U-interfaces of ISDN telecommunication lines. The arrangement is provided with a temperature sensor (TS) and each circuit has an over-current sensor (IS0/3) and is provided with a power feeder (PC0/3) able to couple it to a power supply (PS) in response of a power request signal (PF0/3). The power feeders are further controlled, via a power feed controller (PFC), by the sensed temperature and over-currents. Four temperature ranges ( 160°C) are defined where the power request signals are either used to start-up the circuits in sequence - in case of simultaneous requests- , are ignored, or are used to disconnect some or all of the circuits. A not-acknowledged or status signal (NACK0/3) is also provided by the power feed controller (PFC) for indicating the power status of the corresponding circuit (TL0/3).