A circuit utilizable for protecting an integrated circuit feature from electrostatic discharge is disclosed. A first bipolar transistor (Q10) has its emitter connected to the IC feature and its collector connected to ground. A second bipolar transistor (Q20) has its emitter connected to the IC feature and its collector connected to its base and to the base of the first bipolar transistor. A field effect transistor (M10) has its gate and drain connected to the IC feature and its body connected to its source and to the collector and base of the second bipolar transistor and to the base of the first bipolar transistor. A diode (D10) has its cathode connected to the body and the source of the field effect transistor and to the collector and base of the second bipolar transistor and to the base of the first bipolar transistor.
A circuit utilizable for protecting an integrated circuit feature from electrostatic discharge is disclosed. A first bipolar transistor (Q10) has its emitter connected to the IC feature and its collector connected to ground. A second bipolar transistor (Q20) has its emitter connected to the IC feature and its collector connected to its base and to the base of the first bipolar transistor. A field effect transistor (M10) has its gate and drain connected to the IC feature and its body connected to its source and to the collector and base of the second bipolar transistor and to the base of the first bipolar transistor. A diode (D10) has its cathode connected to the body and the source of the field effect transistor and to the collector and base of the second bipolar transistor and to the base of the first bipolar transistor.