The method comprises the steps of: - for each combination of a first and second illuminants, applying its corresponding chromatic adaptation matrix to the colors of a first image to compensate such as to obtain chromatic adapted colors forming a chromatic adapted image and calculating the difference between the colors of a second image and the chromatic adapted colors of this chromatic adapted image, - retaining the combination of first and second illuminants for which the corresponding calculated difference is the smallest, - compensating said color differences by applying the chromatic adaptation matrix corresponding to said retained combination to the colors of said first image.
For each feature correspondence, the method comprises the following steps: - warping the spatial neighborhood of a feature point such that, after warping, the spatial neighborhoods of the feature points corresponding to each other in said feature correspondence over the different images correspond spatially themselves to each other, - selecting at least three first colors at three different spatial positions of the spatial neighborhood in a first image and a second color in the corresponding spatial neighborhood of another other image, resulting in a set of at least three local color correspondences, each color correspondence having a first color in said first image and a second color in the other image.
According to the invention, the mapping operations are subdivided into two main steps : first, a content-dependent mapping of colors from a source content color gamut into an intermediate color gamut which is common to all images to map, and second, a device-dependent mapping of colors from this intermediate color gamut into the target color gamut.
The method comprises: - either a first step of color gamut mapping applied directly to the incoming RGB color coordinates resulting into mapped source coordinates R"G"B" and a second step where these source coordinates are transformed into target coordinates R'G'B', - or, a first step where the incoming source coordinates RGB are transformed into target coordinates R"G"B" and a second step of color gamut mapping applied directly to the target coordinates R"G"B" resulting into mapped target coordinates R'G'B'.
This method comprises notably the steps of: - color transforming the selected part of this image, - color calibrating these selected part such that a first display device reproduces approximately the same colors as a second display device, - replacing the selected part of this image by this transformed and calibrated selected part.
The method comprises the generation of a deteriorated image associated with a first bit rate (R1) and of a deteriorated color transform associated with a second bit rate (R2), an evaluation of a first distortion (dE1) by comparison of the image with a first test image obtained by the application of the color transform to the deteriorated image, and of a second distortion (dE2) by comparison of the image with a second test image obtained by the application of the deteriorated color transform to the image, and the determination of a final conjoint bit rate (R f ) associated with a best trade-off between a conjoint bit rate (R = R1 + R2) and a global distortion (dE = dE1+DE2). The optimized deteriorated image and the optimized deteriorated color transform are then embedded based on this conjoint bit rate (R f ).
The method comprises the generation of a deteriorated image associated with a first bit rate (R1) and of a deteriorated color transform associated with a second bit rate (R2), an evaluation of a first distortion (dE1) by comparison of the image with a first test image obtained by the application of the color transform to the deteriorated image, and of a second distortion (dE2) by comparison of the image with a second test image obtained by the application of the deteriorated color transform to the image, and the determination of a final conjoint bit rate (R f ) associated with a best trade-off between a conjoint bit rate (R = R1 + R2) and a global distortion (dE = dE1+DE2). The optimized deteriorated image and the optimized deteriorated color transform are then embedded based on this conjoint bit rate (R f ).
The invention relates to a method for image processing implementing a first step of alignment (11) of at least two images representative of a same scene and having different colours, known as source image and target image respectively, delivering a first aligned image. According to the invention, such a method also implements: - a second step of alignment (12) of said source image and said first aligned image, delivering a second aligned image, - a step of construction (13) of a confidence mask, corresponding to an image identifying the regions in which said first aligned image is correctly aligned with said second aligned image.
Method for transforming a first version of a color to be reproduced by a proof viewing device a into a second version of the same color to be reproduced by the same proof viewing device in a way that a first human observer perceives this color reproduced on said proof viewing device according to said second version as this color is perceived on a final color reproduction device by a second human observer having human visual characteristics different from those of the first observer.