The invention concerns an electronic method for extracting the amplitude Es and the phase φε of an electrical signal in synchronous detection, the signal containing a modulated part lmod of the form lmod ∝ Es f(t)*cos(ϕs -ϕR(t)),, in which ϕR(t) and f(t) are two known temporal modulation functions. The method comprises the following steps: -multiplying the signal with two reference signals C(t) and S(t) constructed from ϕR(t) and f(t); -integrating the resulting signals during a period tint; -determining the amplitude and the phase of said signal from quantities X and Y resulting from the preceding integration operations. The method is characterised in that: -said signal is multiplied by two orthogonal signals C and S that can be decomposed on the same set of frequencies as those present in lmod; f(t) is periodic or constant during integration period tint; ϕR(t) is periodic during integration period tint; and X and Y are linked to Es*cos(ϕs) and Es*sin(ϕs) by two calculated proportionality coefficients. The invention concerns the interferometric assemblies for implementing the above method, and the execution of same using analogue components, circuit boards or software solutions.