An instructional system or method for statistics students. Twenty slots (30-68) are defined into which one hundred data cubes (72) are placed. The number of cubes (72) per slot (30-68) varies from one to ten, excluding six. The slots (30-68) with ten cubes (72) are arranged adjacent to a centre line (70), and the number of cubes (72) per slot (30-68) drops as the distance between a slot (30-68) and the centre line (70) increases. The cubes (72) model a normal distribution curve and can be used to estimate probabilities and other statistics concepts. The system associates statistics computational methods with the fundamental concepts of statistics in a manner that enhances the students understanding of statistics as a whole.
Bei dieser Balkenwaage sind zwei Waagebalken (2) an oder in einem senkrechtstehenden Träger (1) beweglich gelagert. Durch ihre Aufhängung (y) befinden sie sich in stabilem Gleichgewicht. Mit einer oder zwei Verbindungen (4) sind die Waagebalken (2) so miteinander gekoppelt, daß sie bei einseitiger Belastung gegenläufige Bewegung ausführen und so durch die Waagebalken(2) die mathematischen Zeichen (größer als) gebildet wird. Das Zeichen = (gleich) entsteht bei gleicher Belastung der Balkenhälften. Neben dem Zahlvergleich im Bereich der natürlichen Zahlen(Skizze 1,2 und 3), der negativen Zahlen (Skizze 4 und 7) und der ganzen Zahlen (-unterer Balken der einen Seite mit oberem Balken der anderen Seite- Skizze 6)verschafft diese Balkenwaage Einblick in den Aufbau von Additions- und Subtraktionsgleichungen(Skizze 8, 9 und 10) indem sie genügend voneinander getrennt die Positionen a, b und c einer Gleichung bereitstellt und durch die Bewegung der oberen und unteren Waagebalkenhälften zueinander(Skizze 8) die Verknüpfungszeichen + und - begründet.
A method of developing a mathematical model of dynamics of a vehicle for use in a computer-controlled simulation, comprising: selecting a coefficient of a state-space model mathematically modelling the dynamics of the vehicle, the selected coefficient having a value for a predetermined state of the vehicle; and varying, a parameter of a physically-based computerized model mathematically modelling the dynamics of the vehicle, the parameter related to at least one of physical characteristics of the vehicle and phenomena influencing the dynamics of the vehicle, to improve the accuracy of the physically-based model via computer-implemented numerical optimization, the computer-implemented numerical optimization targeting the coefficient of the state-space model such that the difference between a value predicted by the physically-based model and the value of the coefficient of the state-space model for the predetermined vehicle state is within a predetermined range.
The entire area of transmission range of information such as shape vector data and event information is divided into a plurality of hierarchies of divisions and division definition is performed so that data amounts in respective divisions are almost identical. A transmission sides creates and transmits shape vector data, event information, shape vector index data including the division definition and reference data indicating correspondence between divisions, and a list of shape vectors indicating shape vector data contained in the divisions. A reception side calculates a division necessary for processing based on the shape vector index data and the list of the shape vectors, extracts shape vector data contained in the division, and performs shape matching of the extracted shape vector data, thereby specifying a segment on the digital map and a position in the segment to which the event information corresponds. Thus, when transmitting and displaying shape information such as roads expressing map information and related information to the shape information such as snarl-up and an accident, it is possible to efficiently extract and display information of a necessary range.
A method of developing a mathematical model of dynamics of a vehicle for use in a computer-controlled simulation, comprising: selecting a coefficient of a state-space model mathematically modelling the dynamics of the vehicle, the selected coefficient having a value for a predetermined state of the vehicle; and varying, a parameter of a physically-based computerized model mathematically modelling the dynamics of the vehicle, the parameter related to at least one of physical characteristics of the vehicle and phenomena influencing the dynamics of the vehicle, to improve the accuracy of the physically-based model via computer-implemented numerical optimization, the computer-implemented numerical optimization targeting the coefficient of the state-space model such that the difference between a value predicted by the physically-based model and the value of the coefficient of the state-space model for the predetermined vehicle state is within a predetermined range.
An improved multi-segment, electronically-actuated display array that displays (a) a multiplication symbol configured approximately like '×', and, centered in the same location, (b) one or more of an addition symbol, a subtraction symbol, and a division symbol configured approximately like '+', '-', and '÷', respectively. A novel central segment or central segment group of the array displays a central portion of the multiplication symbol and of the other displayable arithmetic operation symbols-essentially the entire intersection of (a) the multiplication symbol and (b) a horizontal bar constituting the entire subtraction symbol, the horizontal portion of the addition symbol, and/or the vertically-centered portion of the division symbol. A novel feature of the central segment or central segment group is that its maximum horizontal dimension significantly exceeds the height of the just-mentioned horizontal bar and the thickness of the arms of any displayable addition symbol.
An apparatus (10) comprising block elements (12) that fit inside a block element container (26). The block element container will not close until the proper number of block elements are inserted. For teaching counting and addition concepts for a number base, such as base ten, a user will quickly grasp the concepts of grouping an arbitrary number of block elements into units, such as ones, tens and hundreds. A container (48) for holding block element containers is also provided. The block elements and containers have the same shape, and maintain a proportional ratio with each other. All block elements and containers are counted and grouped using counting devices which provide an indication of the number of units of each type present and signal to a user when when ten block elements or ten block element containers are inserted. A method of teaching using the mathematical apparatus is also presented. A computer program implementing these ideas can also be used to present the mathematical concepts.
Vorrichtung zur Darstellung des Zahlenaufbaus und der Mächtigkeit von Mengen, mit einer Mehrzahl von Standflächen, Seitenflächen und Deckflächen aufweisenden Bausteinen, deren Seitenflächen mit komplementären, zum seitlichen Koppeln der Bausteine bestimmten Koppelelementen versehen sind und deren Stand- und Deckflächen ggf. komplementäre, zum vertikalen Koppeln der Bausteine bestimmte Steckelemente aufweisen, und ggf.mit einer Steckplatte, die zum Aufstecken der Bausteine bestimmte, zu den Steckelementen der Standflächen der Bausteine komplementäre Steckelemente besitzt, wobei die Koppelelemente (16 bis 20) aus den Elementen von senkrecht zu den Standflächen der Bausteine (4,21 bis 25) fügbaren, parallel zu den Standflächen formschlüssigen Nut/Feder-Verbindungen bestehen (Figur 2)..