가스 예열법을 이용한 저온 CNT 성장
    가스 예열법을 이용한 저온 CNT 성장 有权





    CPC classification number: B82Y40/00 B82Y30/00 C01B32/164 C01B2202/04

    Abstract: 탄소나노튜브(CNT)를합성하는방법은탄소나노튜브의성장을촉진하기에충분히높은제 1 온도로가열되는성장챔버(growth chamber)를제공하는단계; 상기성장챔버를통해기판을통과시키는단계; 및적어도유리탄소라디칼(free carbon radicals)에상기공급가스의적어도일부를분리하기에충분한제 2 온도로예열된상기성장챔버에공급가스를도입하여그에의해상기기판상에탄소나노튜브의형성을개시하는단계를포함한다.

    Abstract translation: 合成碳纳米管(CNT)的方法包括以下步骤:提供生长室,所述生长室被加热至足够高的第一温度以促进碳纳米管的生长; 并使基底通过生长室; 以及将进料气体引入预加热到足以将至少一些进料气体解离成至少游离碳自由基的第二温度的生长室,从而引发碳纳米管在基材上的形成。

    연속식 카본나노튜브 제조방법
    연속식 카본나노튜브 제조방법 有权





    CPC classification number: Y02P20/584 C01B32/164 B82B3/0004 B82B3/0009

    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing carbon nanotubes continuously and an apparatus used therefor. The method for manufacturing carbon nanotubes continuously comprises the steps of a) generating carbon nanotubes by making reactive gas, which includes a carbon source, reducing gas and inert gas, react with a catalyst; b) separating carbon nanotubes and mixed gas, which is a by-product, from the product of the reaction; and c) recirculating part of the gaseous component of the separated mixed gas into step a) and discharging the remainder without separating and refining the gaseous component. The method and the apparatus according to the present invention can increase process efficiency greatly by controlling the accumulation amount of a side reactant to a proper level without separately using a gas separation unit or a separation process for separating a certain component of discharged gas.

    Abstract translation: 本发明涉及连续制造碳纳米管的方法及其用途。 连续制造碳纳米管的方法包括以下步骤:a)通过使包含碳源,还原气体和惰性气体的反应性气体与催化剂反应来生成碳纳米管; b)从反应产物中分离作为副产物的碳纳米管和混合气体; 和c)将分离的混合气体的气态组分的一部分再循环到步骤a)中,并排出剩余物而不分离和精炼气态组分。 根据本发明的方法和装置可以通过将侧反应物的堆积量控制在适当的水平而大大地提高了处理效率,而无需分开地使用气体分离单元或用于分离排出气体的某一组分的分离过程。

    액상촉매전구체를 사용하여 탄소나노튜브를 제조하는 방법
    액상촉매전구체를 사용하여 탄소나노튜브를 제조하는 방법 有权





    Inventor: 정승일 김재덕

    CPC classification number: C01B32/162 B82B3/00 B82Y40/00 C01B32/164 C23C16/26

    Abstract: PURPOSE: A manufacturing method of carbon nanotubes using liquid catalyst precursors is provided to simplify operational processes by integratedly implementing a catalyst manufacturing process and a carbon nanotube synthesizing process. CONSTITUTION: A manufacturing method of carbon nanotubes using liquid catalyst precursors includes the following steps: liquid catalyst precursors are loaded in a boat(123) in a thermochemical vapor deposition device; the internal temperature of the device is raised to 600-1200 deg C under inert gas atmosphere and vapor atmosphere; catalyst seeds are formed on one or more substrates(121) in the reaction furnace of the device; the catalyst seeds are pretreated; the internal temperature of the device is kept; and vaporized carbon supplying source, vapor, and inert gas are supplied into the device to grown carbon nanotubes from the board and the substrates. [Reference numerals] (AA) Ar, N2 or He gas: 30-2000 sccm; (BB) Vaporization; (CC) Exhaustion; (DD) Preparing silicon substrate; (EE) Depositing catalyst; (FF) Forming catalyst seeds; (GG) CNT synthesis

    Abstract translation: 目的:提供使用液体催化剂前体的碳纳米管的制造方法,以通过综合实施催化剂制造方法和碳纳米管合成方法来简化操作过程。 构成:使用液体催化剂前体的碳纳米管的制造方法包括以下步骤:液体催化剂前体装载在热化学气相沉积装置中的舟皿(123)中; 在惰性气体和蒸汽气氛下,器件的内部温度升高至600-1200℃; 在装置的反应炉中的一个或多个基板(121)上形成催化剂种子; 催化剂种子进行预处理; 保存设备的内部温度; 并将蒸发的碳供应源,蒸气和惰性气体从板和基板供应到生长的碳纳米管中。 (标号)(AA)Ar,N2或He气体:30-2000sccm; (BB)汽化; (CC)用尽; (DD)制备硅衬底; (EE)沉积催化剂; (FF)形成催化剂种子; (GG)CNT合成

    가스 분리 유닛을 갖는 카본나노튜브의 연속 제조장치 및 이를 이용한 연속 제조방법
    가스 분리 유닛을 갖는 카본나노튜브의 연속 제조장치 및 이를 이용한 연속 제조방법 有权





    Abstract: PURPOSE: A continuous manufacturing apparatus of carbon nano-tubes with a gas separating unit and a continuous manufacturing method of the carbon nano-tubes using the same are provided to hardly generate waste gas and to reduce the size of a reactor in comparison with the capacity of the reactor. CONSTITUTION: A continuous manufacturing method of carbon nano-tubes includes the following: the carbon nano-tubes are generated by reacting a catalyst and reaction gas containing carbon sources, reduction gas, and inert gas; the generated carbon nano-tubes are separated from mixed gas; the separated mixed gas is filtered to remove a part or whole of the reduction gas; and the filtered mixed gas is re-circulated to the carbon nano-tube generating process. A cooling process is further implemented before the generated carbon nano-tubes and the mixed gas are separated. [Reference numerals] (AA) Re-circulation hydrogen gas(if necessary); (BB) Hydrogen storage; (CC) Flux adjusting unit; (DD) Exhaust gas treatment; (EE) Gas analyzer; (FF) Heat exchanger; (GG) Carbon source and nitrogen gas re-circulation; (HH) Reaction gas supply; (II) Catalyst; (JJ) Hopper; (KK) Gas separating unit; (LL) Filter; (MM) FBR or fixed bed reactor; (NN) Cyclone; (OO) CNT collector; (PP) Pre-heater; (QQ) Hollow membrane

    Abstract translation: 目的:提供具有气体分离单元的碳纳米管的连续制造装置和使用其的碳纳米管的连续制造方法,与容量相比几乎不产生废气并减小反应器的尺寸 的反应器。 构成:碳纳米管的连续制造方法包括:碳纳米管通过使催化剂与含有碳源,还原气体和惰性气体的反应气体反应而产生; 生成的碳纳米管与混合气体分离; 将分离的混合气体过滤以除去一部分或全部还原气体; 将过滤后的混合气体再循环至碳纳米管生成工序。 在生成的碳纳米管和混合气体分离之前进一步实施冷却过程。 (附图标记)(AA)再循环氢气(如果需要); (BB)储氢; (CC)通量调节单元; (DD)废气处理; (EE)气体分析仪; (FF)换热器; (GG)碳源和氮气再循环; (HH)反应气供应; (二)催化剂; (JJ)料斗; (KK)气体分离装置; (LL)过滤器; (MM)FBR或固定床反应器; (NN)旋风; (OO)CNT收集器; (PP)预热器; (QQ)中空膜

    고순도 탄소나노튜브 대량 합성방법 및 이에 의하여 제조되는 탄소나노튜브
    고순도 탄소나노튜브 대량 합성방법 및 이에 의하여 제조되는 탄소나노튜브 有权





    Abstract: PURPOSE: A mass-synthesizing method of carbon nanotube and a carbon nanotube manufactured by using the method are provided to enhance carbon crystalline of the carbon nanotube and easily eliminate core material. CONSTITUTION: A mass-synthesizing method of a high purity carbon nanotube comprises next steps: putting metal oxide compound into a reactor; eliminating remnant oxygen within the reactor by lowering degree of vacuum; increasing inner temperature of the reactor while injecting carrier gas into the reactor; injecting hydrocarbon gas into the reactor; reacting the hydrocarbon gas with the metal oxide compound in order to manufacturing the heterogeneous nanowire which consists of inter metallic compound or alloy core; and heat treating the heterogeneous nanowire under hydrogen atmosphere. The metal oxide compound is a mixture of tin oxide and indium oxide. A mixing ratio of the tin oxide to the indium oxide is 6:1-1:6 in weight ratio. The reaction with the metal oxide compound with the hydrocarbon gas is processed at 550-850 deg Celsius and lasts within 2 hours.

    Abstract translation: 目的:提供通过使用该方法制造的碳纳米管和碳纳米管的质量合成方法,以增强碳纳米管的碳结晶并容易地消除芯材。 构成:高纯度碳纳米管的质量合成方法包括以下步骤:将金属氧化物复合物放入反应器中; 通过降低真空度消除反应器内的残余氧; 增加反应器的内部温度,同时将载气注入反应器; 将烃气注入反应器; 使烃气体与金属氧化物化合物反应,以制造由金属间化合物或合金核心组成的非均相纳米线; 并在氢气氛下热处理异质纳米线。 金属氧化物化合物是氧化锡和氧化铟的混合物。 氧化锡与氧化铟的混合比例为6:1-1:6。 与金属氧化物与烃气体的反应在550-850摄氏度下加工,持续2小时。

    탄소 나노튜브의 저온 대량합성 방법
    탄소 나노튜브의 저온 대량합성 방법 有权





    CPC classification number: C01B32/16 B01J19/12 B82B3/0009 C01B32/164

    Abstract: PURPOSE: A method for mass-synthesizing carbon nano-tubes at low temperatures is provided to directly mass-synthesize the carbon nano-tubes on a metal substrate without the support of a buffer layer by implementing an oxidization pre-treating process and a plasma pre-treating process with respect to the metal substrate. CONSTITUTION: A method for mass-synthesizing carbon nano-tubes at low temperatures includes the following: A metal substrate containing one or more transition metal elements of nickel, chrome, and iron is surface-oxidized in a thermal treating furnace. The oxidized metal substrate is pre-treated based on plasma. The plasma-based pre-treated metal substrate is introduced into a thermal chemical vapor deposition device and synthesizes carbon nano-tubes on the metal substrate using one or more carbon source gases of acetylene gas, methane gas, propane gas, and ethylene gas.

    Abstract translation: 目的:提供一种在低温下大量合成碳纳米管的方法,通过实施氧化预处理工艺和等离子体预处理工艺,在金属基材上直接大量合成碳纳米管,无需缓冲层 相对于金属基板的调整过程。 构成:在低温下大量合成碳纳米管的方法包括以下:含有一种或多种镍,铬和铁的过渡金属元素的金属基材在热处理炉中被表面氧化。 基于等离子体对氧化金属基板进行预处理。 将等离子体预处理的金属基板引入热化学气相沉积装置中,并使用一种或多种乙炔气体,甲烷气体,丙烷气体和乙烯气体的碳源气体在金属基底上合成碳纳米管。

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