본발명은백혈구제거용필터및 그제조방법에관한것으로백혈구제거용필터는백혈구를선별적으로필터링하도록마련된섬유필터;를포함하고, 상기섬유필터의표면에는디니트로페닐기가형성될수 있고, 그로인해혈액제제내에포함된백혈구를선별적으로제거할수 있는기술을제공한다. 본발명에의하면, 섬유필터의표면에디니트로페닐기가형성됨에따라, 혈액제제가섬유필터를통과할경우에디니트로페닐기가혈액제제내에존재하는백혈구와결합되며, 혈액제제로부터백혈구를용이하게분리시킬수 있다. 즉, 본발명은백혈구제거시섬유직경의크기에국한받지않으면서도혈액제제성분중 백혈구만을선별적으로제거하는것이가능하다.
Disclosed are a device, a method, and a system for for obtaining more than one biological fluid component using a back-flushable filter device, and reducing the red blood cell contamination. The device includes: a housing which comprises an inflow port and an outflow port, and limits a fluid path in between the inflow port and the outflow port; and a porous fibrous leukocyte removal filter with an upstream surface and a downstream surface, located on the housing after passing through the fluid path.
PURPOSE: A plasma gathering method and a plasma separating apparatus therefor are provided to improve plasma separation efficiency by inducing blood cohesion. CONSTITUTION: A plasma gathering method comprises an antibody producing step, an antibody complex formation step, a hemagglutination step, and a plasma separation step. In the antibody producing step, an antibody specific to the blood cell(310) of a patient is manufactured. In the antibody complex formation step, an antibody complex(320) is formed by mixing protein and antibody. In the hemagglutination step, blood cells are agglutinated by reacting the antibody complex with target blood. In the plasma separation step, plasma is separated by filtering the target blood.
This invention is directed to a method of collecting and separating whole blood into components. The method includes the steps of adding an anticoagulant having an acidic pH to a bag for collecting and/or separating whole blood, collecting whole blood in the bag, loading the bag containing anticoagulated whole blood on a rotor, spinning the bag on the rotor to separate the whole blood into at least one component; and squeezing the bag on the rotor to push the component from the separation bag into at least one satellite bag.
본 발명은 혈액을 헤파린, 헤파란 설페이트 및/또는 제거될 사이토카인 또는 헤파린(흡수질)에 대한 결합 친화도을 갖는 기타 분자 또는 화학 그룹(흡수제 매체 또는 매체)으로 표면 처리된 고체, 기본적으로는 비 마이크로-다공성인 기질과 접촉시킴으로써 혈액 또는 혈청으로부터 사이토카인 및/또는 병원체를 제거하는 방법에 관한 것으로서, 상기 기질 내의 인터스티셜 채널의 크기는, 적당한 흡수 용량을 제공하는 한편 흡수 매체를 통한 혈액이 상대적으로 높은 유동 속도로 흐를 수 있도록, 매체 표면적의 양 및 매체의 결합 자리의 표면 농도와 균형이 맞추어져 있다.
The present invention relates to a biocompatible multi-layer filter for removing leukocytes and a method for manufacturing the same and, more specifically, to a biocompatible multi-layer filter for removing leukocytes which comprises a microporous fiber layer, a nanofiber layer, and a coating layer containing in vivo-derived materials or derivatives thereof so as to have excellent leukocyte removal rate and red blood cell recovery rate, and to a method for manufacturing the filter. The biocompatible multi-layer filter for removing leukocytes manufactured by the present invention shows higher leukocyte removal rate and red blood cell recovery rate compared to existing filters for removing leukocytes, and also have excellent biocompatibility, thereby being useful as a blood filter.