Methods of prioritizing untested routing resources in programmable logic devices (PLDs) to generate test suites that include a minimal number of test designs. The untested routing resources are prioritized (e.g., placed into an ordered list) based on a number of untested input or output terminals for each untested resource. The number of untested input or output terminals (whichever is larger) for each routing resource determines the minimum number of additional test designs in which the routing resource must be included. The resulting prioritization can be utilized by a router, for example, to first include in test designs those routing resources that must be included in the largest remaining number of test designs. The described prioritization methods can also be used to select one of two or more test designs that should be included in the overall test suite. In each case, the overall number of test designs is reduced.
Method and apparatus for providing secure intellectual property (IP) cores for a programmable logic device (PLD) are described. An aspect of the invention relates to a method of securely distributing an IP core for PLDs. A circuit design is generated for the IP core, the circuit design being re-locatable in a programmable fabric for PLDs. The circuit design is encoded to produce at least one partial configuration bitstream. Implementation data is generated for utilizing the IP core as a reconfigurable module in top-level circuit designs. The at least one partial configuration bitstream and the implementation data are delivered to users of the PLDs.
Methods of routing a design in a programmable logic device (PLD) to increase the effectiveness of applying a multi-frame write (MFW) compression technique to the resulting configuration bitstream. The methods apply placement patterns and/or routing templates to encourage the inclusion of numbers of duplicated routing paths in the routed design. The duplicated routing paths result in duplicated configuration data. Thus, a configuration bitstream implementing the routed design in the PLD includes numbers of duplicated configuration data frames, and is well-suited to benefit from MFW compression techniques.
A method for generating a design for an FPGA provides for partial reconfiguration by allowing relocation of the same single bitstream within different areas of the FPGA, reducing overall design time and PROM storage space needed for the design. The design rules for the method include a requirement that the same frames oriented in the same relative location be available in dynamic areas where a bit stream will be located. Further, the rules require the same relative communication interfaces be available between the dynamic areas and static areas when the bit stream is relocated. Additionally the design rules require global resources, such as clock resources used by the static areas remain the same when the bit stream is relocated.
Methods of directly targeting specified routing resources in a PLD, e.g., routing resources that need to be tested. Test designs are produced that implement observable nets using the targeted routing resources. A PLD router is used to route from a target routing resource backwards through the routing fabric of the PLD to the source of an observable net. The net is identified based on the source, and loads of the net are identified as router load targets. The router is then used to route from the target routing resource forwards to one of the loads on the net. This process can be repeated for a list of target routing resources to provide a test design that tests as many of the targeted routing resources as possible. Additional test designs can be created to test remaining target routing resources. In other embodiments, the router routes first forwards, then backwards.