Components are presented to users based on the components' assigned task memberships. The tasks represents the different activities performed by users within a digital production pipeline. Each stage of the digital production pipeline may be associated with a task. Additional user-defined tasks may be defined as needed to further distinguish components. Attributes of components are associated with one or more tasks when the component is authored. Task memberships may be inherited from parent components or overridden. A user interface includes a task selection menu to receive a selection of one or more tasks from the user. The task selection is used to filter components, so that the user interface presents only relevant information to users. Component attribute values and task associations can be expressed using layer data structures. Task restrictions of layers allow layers to only specify values of components that match the task associations of the layer.
Function spaces defined by scaling functions are used to generate bandlimited noise octaves and other attribute data sets. Scaling functions are basis functions that admit multiresolution analysis and include piecewise constant scaling functions, piecewise polynomial scaling functions, bandlimited scaling functions, Daubeschies scaling functions, as well as other multiresolution analysis scaling basis functions known to those of skill in the art. Scaling basis functions can be locally supported or have infinite support. The properties of the scaling basis functions used to construct bandlimited noise octaves may ensure that any bandlimited noise octave at resolution level N is orthogonal to bandlimited noise octaves and their associated scaling basis functions at all resolution levels less than N. Bandlimited noise octaves can be scaled to any resolution level and guaranteed to have no effect on images at any lower resolution level.
A renderfarm monitoring system collects and aggregates comprehensive renderfarm information from a distributed scheduling system. Listener modules interface with dispatcher modules. The dispatcher modules queue jobs and tasks and request processing for those tasks in which the required input data is available. The listener modules receive streams of events from dispatcher modules indicating the status of all associated jobs and tasks. The listener modules also receive system status information from renderfarm and user computers. Renderfarm usage information, such as jobs, tasks, and system status, is aggregated by a database system. Client applications can access renderfarm usage information from the database system and use this information to monitor, analyze, visualize, and control renderfarm activities. Additionally, renderfarm usage information associated with tasks can be used to prioritize the jobs, improving overall renderfarm efficiency.
Function spaces defined by scaling functions are used to generate bandlimited noise octaves and other attribute data sets. Scaling functions are basis functions that admit multiresolution analysis and include piecewise constant scaling functions, piecewise polynomial scaling functions, bandlimited scaling functions, Daubeschies scaling functions, as well as other multiresolution analysis scaling basis functions known to those of skill in the art. Scaling basis functions can be locally supported or have infinite support. The properties of the scaling basis functions used to construct bandlimited noise octaves may ensure that any bandlimited noise octave at resolution level N is orthogonal to bandlimited noise octaves and their associated scaling basis functions at all resolution levels less than N. Bandlimited noise octaves can be scaled to any resolution level and guaranteed to have no effect on images at any lower resolution level.
Model components can be used to pose character models to create a variety of realistic and artistic effects. An embodiment of the invention analyzes the behavior of a model component to determine a statistical representation of the model component that closely approximates the output of the model component. As the statistical representation of model components execute faster than the original model components, the model components used to pose a character model can be replaced at animation time by equivalent statistical representations of model components to improve animation performance. The statistical representation of the model component is derived from an analysis of the character model manipulated through a set of representative training poses. The statistical representation of the model component is comprised of a weighted combination of posed frame positions added to a set of posing errors controlled by nonlinear combinations of the animation variables.
Variable motion blur is created by varying the evaluation time used to determine the poses of objects according to motion blur parameters when evaluating a blur frame. A blur parameter can be associated with one or more objects, portions of objects, or animation variables. The animation system modifies the time of the blur frame by a function including the blur parameter to determine poses of objects or portions thereof associated with the blur parameter in a blur frame. The animation system determines the values of animation variables at their modified times, rather than at the time of the blur frame, and poses objects or portions thereof accordingly. Multiple blur parameters can be used to evaluate the poses of different portions of a scene at different times for a blur frame. Portions of an object can be associated with different blur parameters, enabling motion blur to be varied within an object.
Model components can be used to pose character models to create a variety of realistic and artistic effects. An embodiment of the invention analyzes the behavior of a model component to determine a statistical representation of the model component that closely approximates the output of the model component. As the statistical representation of model components execute faster than the original model components, the model components used to pose a character model can be replaced at animation time by equivalent statistical representations of model components to improve animation performance. The statistical representation of the model component is derived from an analysis of the character model manipulated through a set of representative training poses. The statistical representation of the model component is comprised of a weighted combination of posed frame positions added to a set of posing errors controlled by nonlinear combinations of the animation variables.
The determination of the final posed position is optimized by tracking the changes in animation variables associated with the sequence of deformers over two or more poses. The earliest deformer of the sequence affected by a changed animation variable is designated the cached deformer, and the input to this deformer is stored for future use. For a subsequent pose, the animation variables changed from the previous pose are identified, and the earliest deformer of the sequence affected by these changed animation variables is compared with the cached deformer. If the earliest deformer affected is the cached deformer or is to be processed after the cached deformer, the final posed position of the control point can be determined from the stored intermediate value of the control point, rather than from the initial position of the control point.
A display area displays a subset of a set of items. Items may be the ancestor or descendant of one or more other items. As an ancestor item having one or more visible descendant items becomes not visible, for example by scrolling outside the display area, a proxy in the display area is automatically created. The proxy corresponds with the ancestor item not visible in the display area. Multiple proxies may be displayed in the display area to present a complete view of the hierarchy containing at least some of the items visible in the display area. Items that do not have descendant items visible in the display area will not generate corresponding proxies when they become not visible. Proxies may be active user interface elements. Conversely, if an ancestor item becomes visible in the display area, any corresponding proxies are automatically removed.
A stepmode animation visualization emphasizes authored values of computer graphics variables. Users select all or a portion of the computer graphics variables associated with objects in a scene to be included in the stepmode animation visualization. When users activate the stepmode animation visualization, the generated values of the selected computer graphics variables are overridden with authored values of the selected computer graphics variables. For example, the stepmode animation visualization overrides each generated value of a computer graphics variable with the nearest preceding authored value of that computer graphics variable. Users may repeatedly activate and deactivate the stepmode animation visualization without reselecting computer graphics variables. The selection of computer graphics variables affected by the stepmode animation visualization is maintained. All or a portion of the animation may be looped or repeated while the stepmode animation visualization is active.