Compliance Assessment And Security Testing Of Smart Cards
    Compliance Assessment And Security Testing Of Smart Cards 审中-公开





    申请人: Alan Mushing

    发明人: Alan Mushing

    IPC分类号: G06F11/00

    摘要: A compliance assessment and security testing process provides assurance that a vendor's smart card product complies with a card association's security guidelines and is approved for use in a smart card electronic payment system under a card association's brand name. A certificate of compliance is assigned to the product if approved. The security guidelines are updated as new security threats and developing attack potential are recognized and product certifications are accordingly updated. When security vulnerabilities are discovered in the vendor's smart card product, risk analysis is conducted to determine if the vulnerabilities pose an unacceptable level of risk to the member banks.

    摘要翻译: 合规性评估和安全测试流程提供了供应商的智能卡产品符合卡协会的安全准则的保证,并被批准在卡协会的品牌名称下用于智能卡电子支付系统。 如果批准,合格证书将分配给产品。 随着新的安全威胁和发展中的攻击潜力得到认可,相应更新了产品认证,安全性指南得到了更新。 当在供应商的智能卡产品中发现安全漏洞时,进行风险分析以确定漏洞是否对成员银行构成不可接受的风险级别。