A control method to automatically adjust the volume of a sound transmitter based on the measurement and the computation of the acoustic statistics of the room where the sound is emitted. The system comprises at least one sensor, a calculator determining statistics of the signal collected by the at least one sensor and a controller using these statistics provided by the calculator to adjust the volume of the transmitter in the room.
A system and method for generating a masking noise level and spectrum automatically adjusted to obtain a target masking noise spectrum in a room. The system comprises a white noise generator and a mask filter automatically determined according to a correction of an acoustical response of the room and to the target masking noise corrected by an ambient noise.
An active noise control system for effective control of higher order modes of noise propagation within a duct is disclosed. A plurality of error sensors is disposed within an error sensors plane, which plane is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the duct. The disclosed process and apparatus minimizes the mean square distance between the points of the area associated to each error sensor. The resulting arrangement of errors sensors optimizes the overall area that the error sensors can control and consequently the global efficiency of the controlling system.