Modulator circuit (MOD) with a modulator proper and a correction signal generator. The modulator proper comprises the cascade connection of an amplifier (T11, T21, CS11, T12, T22, CS12) and a first switching circuit (R11, T31, T51, R12, T32, T52), while the generator comprises the cascade connection of the same amplifier and a second switching circuit (R21, T61, T42, R22, T62, T41) having a correction output (P11, P12) coupled to a feedback input (P21, P22) of the amplifier via a feedback circuit (T71, R31, CS21, T72, R32, CS22). The amplifier and the switching circuits are controlled by a modulating signal and a carrier signal respectively and the first and second switching circuits provide a modulated output signal and a correction signal substantially equal to the envelope of the modulated output signal and used to decrease the modulator distortion.