Process for producing hydrogen peroxide by direct synthesis
    Process for producing hydrogen peroxide by direct synthesis 失效





    CPC classification number: C01B15/029

    Abstract: An aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide is produced by direct synthesis from hydrogen and oxygen in the presence of a heterogeneous catalyst. According to the invention, a gas mixture comprising H.sub.2 and O.sub.2, essentially saturated or supersaturated with water (=containing fog) is fed into a reactor containing the catalyst. The volume ratio of the gas mixture fed in (standard liters per hour) to liquid removed (liters per hour) is adjusted to a value equal to or greater than 15,000, especially 20,000 to 50,000, and the gas mixture leaving the reactor is recycled after replenishment with H.sub.2, O.sub.2, and H.sub.2 O vapor. Solutions with high H.sub.2 O.sub.2 concentration can be obtained according to the invention without additional concentration.

    Abstract translation: 过氧化氢水溶液是通过在非均相催化剂存在下从氢气和氧气直接合成生产的。 根据本发明,将包含H 2和O 2的基本上饱和或过饱和的(=含雾)的气体混合物进料到含有催化剂的反应器中。 以(标准升每小时)供给的气体混合物与去除的液体(升/小时)的体积比调节至等于或大于15,000,特别是20,000至50,000的值,并且离开反应器的气体混合物在 用H2,O2和H2O蒸气补充。 可以根据本发明获得具有高H 2 O 2浓度的溶液,而没有另外的浓度。

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