The effort required to develop a device object is reduced. A host computer 10 has objects including a printer CO 21 that provides a POS application program 11 with an interface for each type of device, and a printer SO 22 that provides the printer CO 21 with an interface to each device type and executes a process by device unit. A wrapper SO 30 executes the process instead of the printer SO 22 when at least one of the methods called by the printer CO 21 is called, and then calls a method of the printer SO 22 based on the result of the executed process. When the printer CO 21 calls other methods, the wrapper SO 30 calls the printer SO 22 method.
The effort required to develop a device object is reduced. A host computer 10 has objects including a printer CO 21 that provides a POS application program 11 with an interface for each type of device, and a printer SO 22 that provides the printer CO 21 with an interface to each device type and executes a process by device unit. A wrapper SO 30 executes the process instead of the printer SO 22 when at least one of the methods called by the printer CO 21 is called, and then calls a method of the printer SO 22 based on the result of the executed process. When the printer CO 21 calls other methods, the wrapper SO 30 calls the printer SO 22 method.