The invention minimizes openings or cracks near the position at which a solder tail of a lead frame extends through a wall of a case molded about the lead frame and through which wall the solder tail extends, so as to prevent leakage through the wall near the solder tail. To accomplish this, a double-bend is formed in the solder tail before encapsulation of the lead frame. The double-bend comprises a first downward right-angle bend just outside the case wall, and an adjacent distally-spaced opposite bend such that the distal end portion of the solder tail extends substantially parallel to the plane of the lead frame. Subsequently, an anvil is positioned to support the portion of the lead tail between the case wall and the first downward bend in the solder tail, while a forming tool forces the distal end portion of the soldering tail downward to the desired final position. The final bending occurs primarily around the previously-formed opposite bend, rather than at or immediately adjacent to the case wall, thereby substantially eliminating openings in the molded case body where the solder tail passes through the case wall.