Comfort mechanism with slack limit
    Comfort mechanism with slack limit 失效





    CPC classification number: B60R22/44 B60R2022/4486

    Abstract: In a seat belt retractor having a comfort mechanism, a spindle having belt webbing wound thereon is supported for rotation in belt retraction and belt withdrawal directions. A wind-up spring biases the spindle to rotate in the belt retraction direction. A rotatable member is rotatable relative to the spindle. Actuating means has a first condition in which the rotatable member is free to rotate and a second condition in which rotation of the rotatable member is blocked. An auxiliary wind-up spring has one end connected to the rotatable member and another end connected to the spindle. The auxiliary wind-up spring is (i) wound about a portion of the spindle to a taut condition when the actuating means is in its first condition to cause the spindle and the rotatable member to rotate together, (ii) unwound upon rotation of the spindle in the belt withdrawal direction when the actuating means is in its second condition to enable the spindle to rotate relative to the rotatable member, and (iii) rewound about the portion of the spindle to the taut condition to limit rotation of the spindle in the belt retraction direction relative to the rotatable member after withdrawal of the belt webbing from the spindle when the actuating means is in its second condition. A predetermined amount of slack is set in the belt when the comfort mechanism is engaged.

    Abstract translation: 在具有舒适机构的安全带卷收器中,具有卷绕在其上的带状织带的主轴被支撑以在带收缩和带退出方向上旋转。 卷绕弹簧偏压主轴以沿带收回方向旋转。 可旋转构件可相对于心轴旋转。 致动装置具有可旋转构件自由旋转的第一状态和可旋转构件的旋转被阻挡的第二状态。 辅助卷绕弹簧的一端连接到可旋转构件,另一端连接到主轴。 辅助卷绕弹簧(i)当致动装置处于其第一状态以使主轴和可旋转部件一起旋转时,(i)围绕主轴的一部分卷绕到紧固状态,(ii)在旋转时解卷 当所述致动装置处于其第二状态以使所述主轴能够相对于所述可旋转构件旋转时,所述主轴处于所述带取出方向,以及(iii)围绕所述心轴的所述部分重新卷绕到拉紧状态,以将所述心轴的旋转限制在 当所述致动装置处于其第二状态时,所述皮带织带从所述心轴抽出之后相对于所述可旋转构件的带退避方向。 当舒适机构接合时,在皮带中设置预定量的松弛。

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