An input buffer for an integrated circuit and providing reduced sensitivity to input noise present in a transmission line environment. This input buffer deskews an input signal where the rise time is much slower than the fall time, such as that from an open-collector output driver, so that the rising edge propagation delay and falling edge propagation delay of the input buffer are approximately equal.
A method of testing a device includes monitoring an output of the device, wherein the output is generated by the device in response to an applied test command; and resolving the output into atomic operations, wherein the atomic operations are substantially the smallest constituent operations which are substantially independent of the device. The method is used to provide a simple, comprehensive test environment that effectively tests 1394a and 1394-1995 designs, for example, in Verilog. The test environment contains rules which completely characterize the behavior of different 1394 bus protocols as defined by the IEEE specifications. The test environment provides portability between different devices under test and between different protocols, automated closed-loop reconciliation of test commands and protocol requirements, topology independence, and out-of-order execution of instructions or relative sequencing. The test environment further allows failure injection, and separate and independent design of the device and a test system.