An objective of the present invention is to provide a method and system for use for control of layer formation over an extended area in an aluminium electrolysis cell and exploitation of heat. A second object of the invention is to provide a method and system for use for control of layer formation suited for retrofitting to an aluminium electrolysis cell and maintainability during operations of the cell.The present invention attains the above-described objectives by a flat heat tube for attachment to the steel casing of an aluminium electrolysis cell. This heat tube can be a heat pipe or a thermosyphon. Preferably the heat tube is provided with a substantially flat surface. Preferably the heat tube has a meandering shape.
And objective of the present invention is to provide an improved method and system for use for control of layer formation in an aluminium electrolysis cell and exploitation of the heat. The present invention attains the above-described objective by a reordering of the fundamental structure of a Hall-Héroult cell, providing two alternatives, eliminating the need for thermal insulation. In a first embodiment the ordering from the inside to the outside is: Electrolyte-sidelining-heat tubes-steel shell. In a second embodiment the ordering from the inside to the outside is: Electrolyte-sidelining-steel shell-heat tubes.