A computer weigher system employs a continuously operating digital computer which multiplies unit price information supplied via a manual keyboard times the weight information supplied via a weigher which incorporates a digitizer for converting the weight information to digital form. From the moment that the article is first placed on the weigher scale until the weigher platform comes to balance, successive intermediate weight measurements are made as the platform moves to balance, and the computer arithmetic unit continuously operates to develop the total price for each such weight measurement. A display device continuously displays the unit price together with the weight measurement as it varies from the zero ;measurement to the final balance measurement, as well as the total price at each measured weight. An operator can determine when the weigher platform has come to balance from the displayed weight, and when the later is unchanged, the operator presses a print button which initiates the operation of a printer to print out the weight and total price as well as the input unit price.
In a computer weigher, an optical device is used to detect the position of balance of the weigher mechanism by measuring the rotary position of a drum connected to the weigher mechanism. On thedrum, a Gray code chart is arranged around the periphery of the drum with several channels extending axially. A mounting block is adjustably positioned adjacent to the drum and is used to mount fiber optics and photoelectric measuring means. For each channel of code on the drum chart, a fiber optics bundle picks up reflected light at one end adjacent to the chart and transmits it to its other end at a photoelectric sensor. Binary coded signals are generated from the sensor outputs which accurately identify each drum position.