Legal intelligence credit business: a business operation mode of artificial intelligence + legal affairs + business affairs





    IPC分类号: G06Q10/06 G06N20/00

    摘要: The present invention discloses a business operation mode based on artificial-intelligence+legal-affairs+business-affairs. AI is the empowerment, legal-affairs' main-body, business-affairs' framework. AI characteristics lie-in two-learning or two-experts, including Internet-of-human, Internet-of-things, Internet-of-intelligence; applying AI computer-program to control or improve business-quality. AI+legal-affairs innovation lies-in new-brain or new-procedures, using contract to authorize AI's basic-role in judicial-affairs. Identification or adjudication is made by deep-learning and reinforcement-learning, both priorities accept. Experts separately verify evidence or fact, video-trial, mediate then arbitrate. Expert-database complements expert-system each-other, explains algorithm, and promotes reconciliation. Financial-experts control credit-limit and perform-contract through guarantee insurance. AI+legal-affairs+business-affairs characteristics lie-in two-lines or two-supports, applying AI to verify the credit of excellent business-subjects or business-quality, and control to improve business-process. To improve business-quality, focuses are on AI-health, AI-teaching, AI-traffic, or other public-services.