Rolling stand
    Rolling stand 失效





    CPC classification number: B21B31/10 B21B31/26 B21B2031/023 B21B2203/42

    Abstract: A rolling stand comprising supporting shaft pairs 3, 4, in which these supporting shafts are supported at two sides and so as to be adjustable in two parallel roll housings 1, 2. At one side, rolling rings 15 can be slipped on the supporting shaft pairs 3, 4, while the other side can be coupled with drive elements 16. The roll housing 2 remote of these drive elements 16 can be moved away from the other roll housing 1 in the direction of the roll axes together with the bearings which are pulled off the supporting shaft pair 3, 4. The supporting shaft pair 3, 4 can be secured and fixed in the other roll housing 1 in the resulting cantilevering position which is supported on one side.

    Abstract translation: 一种滚动台,包括支撑轴对3,4,其中这些支撑轴支撑在两侧并且可在两个平行的辊壳体1,2中调节。在一侧,滚动环15可以滑动在支撑轴上 对3,4,而另一侧可以与驱动元件16联接。远离这些驱动元件16的辊壳体2可以与辊轴线方向一起移动远离另一个辊壳体1与轴承 拉出支撑轴对3,4。支撑轴对3,4可以固定并固定在另一个辊壳体1中,在所产生的悬臂位置上被支撑在一侧。

    Drive apparatus for the vertical rolls of a universal rolling mill stand
    Drive apparatus for the vertical rolls of a universal rolling mill stand 失效





    CPC classification number: B21B35/10 B21B13/10 B21B1/088 B21B2035/005

    Abstract: To avoid impacts on the first pass of the rolled product through a universal rolling mill the vertical rolls of the rolling mill can be provided with their own integral drive according to our invention. In an electrical drive for a vertical roll the vertical roll is the rotor of an electric motor while the stator is a circular collar on a nonrotatable supporting axle for the vertical roll. In a hydraulic drive for a vertical roll a hydraulic motor is either located in a housing side extension of the structural member supporting the vertical roll to drive it from the outside by spur wheel gearing or by a frictional drive or the hydraulic motor is mounted in the nonrotating supporting axle of the vertical roll and engages on an inner cogged drive ring on the vertical roll from the inside by spur gearing positioned on a transverse plane.

    Abstract translation: 为了避免通过万能轧机对轧制产品的第一次冲击,根据我们的发明,轧机的垂直辊可以设置有它们自己的整体驱动。 在用于垂直辊的电驱动器中,垂直辊是电动机的转子,而定子是用于垂直辊的不可旋转的支撑轴上的圆形套环。 在用于垂直辊的液压驱动装置中,液压马达或者位于支撑垂直辊的结构构件的壳体侧延伸部中,以通过正齿轮传动或通过摩擦驱动将其从外部驱动,或者液压马达安装在 垂直辊的非旋转支撑轴,并且通过定位在横向平面上的正齿轮啮合在垂直辊上的内部带齿驱动环上。

    Universal rolling mill
    Universal rolling mill 失效





    CPC classification number: B21B13/10 B21B31/14

    Abstract: A pair of upper crossheads for a universal rolling mill is engaged with nut assemblies on extended ends of a pair of screwdown spindles. Each crosshead can be swung about a nut assembly on one of the screwdown spindles while disengaged from a nut assembly on the other screwdown spindle for pivotal movement of the crosshead to one side of the housing frame. The nut assemblies for the ends of the crossheads, which remain engaged with the screwdown spindles, have threads that raise the crossheads during pivotal movement. Pedestal supports on projecting wing portions of the frame carry the pivoted parts of the crossheads. During operation of the universal rolling mill, the upper crossheads are held in their operative position by a clamp engaged with a crosstie that extends between two nut assemblies that can be exposed.

    Abstract translation: 用于万能轧机的一对上十字头与一对拧紧轴的延伸端处的螺母组件接合。 每个十字头可以围绕其中一个拧紧主轴上的螺母组件摆动,同时与另一个拧紧主轴上的螺母组件脱离啮合,用于将十字头枢转运动到壳体框架的一侧。 与十字头保持啮合的十字头的端部的螺母组件具有在枢转运动期间使十字头升高的螺纹。 框架的突出翼部上的支架支撑十字头的枢转部分。 在万能轧机的操作期间,上十字头通过与可暴露的两个螺母组件之间延伸的交叉的夹具保持在其操作位置。

    Universal rolling mill stand with adjustable sets of horizontal rolls
and vertical rolls
    Universal rolling mill stand with adjustable sets of horizontal rolls and vertical rolls 失效





    Abstract: A universal rolling mill stand with adjustable sets of horizontal rolls and vertical rolls guided in window-type recesses of the roll housings. Each roll housing is formed by a pair of housing posts with cross-members connected by means of transverse supports. The bearing chocks of the set of horizontal rolls are vertically movable between the housing posts of the respective pair of housing posts and the bearing chocks of the set of vertical rolls are moved horizontally between outwardly cantilevering attachments of the pairs of housing posts. The upper cross-members connecting the pairs of housing posts can be raised and swung horizontally. A frame-type cage having plate-like wall members is connectible to lifting devices. The outer surfaces of the wall members of the cage are guided on guide surfaces of the housing posts of pairs of housing posts which face each other. The cage is vertically and horizontally movable with the mill stand and can be installed and removed from the rolling mill stand. The inner surfaces of the wall members of the cage form guide surfaces for adjustment movements of the bearing chucks of one or more of the rolls. The bearing chocks are supported by the cage and/or can be coupled to each other so that one is suspended from the other.

    Abstract translation: 一种万能轧机机架,其可调整的水平辊组和垂直轧辊在辊壳体的窗口凹槽中引导。 每个辊壳由一对具有通过横向支撑件连接的横向构件的壳体柱形成。 一组水平辊的轴承座可以在相应的一对壳体柱的壳体柱之间垂直移动,并且该组垂直辊的轴承座在水平地在两对壳体柱的向外悬臂附件之间移动。 连接两对外壳柱的上部横件可以水平地升高和摆动。 具有板状壁构件的框架式保持架可与升降装置连接。 保持架的壁构件的外表面被引导在彼此相对的成对的壳体柱的壳体柱的引导表面上。 保持架可以与轧机机架垂直和水平移动,并可从轧机机架上安装和拆卸。 保持架的壁构件的内表面形成引导表面,用于一个或多个辊的轴承卡盘的调节运动。 轴承座由保持架支撑和/或可以彼此联接,使得一个从另一个悬挂。

    Three-part roll assembly with exchangeable center part
    Three-part roll assembly with exchangeable center part 失效





    CPC classification number: B21B27/035 B21B31/10

    Abstract: A roll assembly for a rolling-mill stand has a pair of axis-defining, coaxial, and axially spaced journals, respective roll supports carried in the journals and rotatable therein about the axis, and a roll ring engaged between the supports. The roll supports are each formed with a pair of radially spaced and separate annular surfaces both centered on the axis and the surfaces of one support are directed at least generally axially toward the other roll support. At least one of the surfaces of each pair is substantially frustoconical and forms with the axis a different angle from the other of the surfaces of the pair. One of the supports is formed at the axis with an axially extending passage and the roll ring is formed with generally axially oppositely directed pairs of annular surfaces respectively complementary to and flatly engaging the annular surfaces of the roll supports. An extension stem axially fixed to the other of the supports extends with radial play through the passage and is provided with a nut or the like bearing on the one element, normally the service-side element, for pulling the two support elements axially toward each other and thereby axially compressing the roll ring between the annular surfaces of the roll supports.

    Abstract translation: 用于轧机机架的辊组件具有一对轴线限定的,同轴的和轴向间隔开的轴颈,相应的辊支撑件承载在轴颈中并围绕轴线可旋转,以及接合在支撑件之间的辊环。 辊支承件各自形成有一对径向隔开且分开的环形表面,两个中心在轴线上并且一个支撑件的表面至少大致轴向地指向另一个辊支撑。 每对的至少一个表面基本上是截头圆锥体,并且与轴形成与该对的另一个表面不同的角度。 支撑件中的一个在轴线处形成有轴向延伸的通道,并且辊环形成有大致轴向相对的成对的环形表面,分别与辊支撑件的环形表面互补并平坦地接合。 轴向固定到另一个支撑件的延伸杆通过通道径向游隙地延伸,并且在一个元件(通常是维修侧元件)上设置有螺母或类似的轴承,用于将两个支撑元件沿着彼此轴向拉动 从而在辊支撑件的环形表面之间轴向地压缩辊环。

    Roll stand, with traveling carriage containing the set of rolls which
can be run out of and back into said stand transversely to the
direction of rolling
    Roll stand, with traveling carriage containing the set of rolls which can be run out of and back into said stand transversely to the direction of rolling 失效





    Applicant: Alexandr Svagr

    Inventor: Alexandr Svagr

    CPC classification number: B21B31/10 B21B31/04 B21B31/18

    Abstract: A rolling mill stand with roll housings (1, 2) through the window formed by the pillar transoms of the one roll housing (2), the set of rolls (7, 8) together with the bearing installation parts as well as the rest bar (17) and the roller fittings connected therewith can be driven out of and back again into the rolling mill stand on a traveling carriage with rollers (14) on rails (15). One of the two roll housings (2), or the two pillar transoms together with the ground traverse connecting them or the two pillar transom sections (2a, 2b) bordering the window on the driving-out side, constitute hereby an autonomous component superimposed on the traveling carriage and separable from the rolling mill stand.

    Abstract translation: 轧机通过由一辊壳体(2)的支柱横梁形成的窗口与滚动轴承座(1,2)一起站立,该组辊与轴承安装部分以及其余的杆 (17),并且与其连接的滚子配件可以在具有在轨道(15)上的滚子(14)的行进托架上被驱出并重新进入轧机机架。 两个辊壳体(2)中的一个或两个支柱横梁连同它们连接的地面横梁或与驱动侧上的窗口相邻的两个柱状横梁部分(2a,2b)构成一个叠加在 行走架,可与轧机机架分离。

    Apparatus for changing the tapered rolls of a skew rolling mill
    Apparatus for changing the tapered rolls of a skew rolling mill 失效





    Applicant: Alexandr Svagr

    Inventor: Alexandr Svagr

    CPC classification number: B21B19/02 B21B31/08

    Abstract: The apparatus for changing the rolls (6) of a skew rolling mill comprises a roll-change carriage (14) movable along the direction of feed of material (10) being rolled. A carrier (11) is mounted on the carriage (14) and carries a plurality of roll-clamping devices (12). Locking means (19, 20) are provided for interlocking the rotor (2) carrying a plurality of roll heads (5) skew mounted thereon and the carrier (11) in a predetermined axially-aligned, spaced position for removing or replacing rolls by means of the clamping devices. In a preferred embodiment there are two carriers movable in alternate alignment with the rotor (2).

    Abstract translation: 用于更换斜轧机的辊(6)的装置包括可沿着被轧制的材料(10)的进给方向移动的滚动转台(14)。 托架(11)安装在托架(14)上,并承载多个卷筒夹紧装置(12)。 提供锁定装置(19,20),用于使承载多个倾斜安装在其上的辊头(5)的转子(2)与载体(11)以预定的轴向对齐的间隔位置互锁,以便通过装置移除或替换辊 的夹紧装置。 在优选实施例中,有两个可与转子(2)交替对准的载体。

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