Method for loading a printing plate onto an imaging cylinder using a
suction/pressure table
    Method for loading a printing plate onto an imaging cylinder using a suction/pressure table 有权





    摘要: A loading table for flexographic printing plates is disclosed wherein pneumatic suction is employed to secure the printing plate to the loading table and pneumatic pressure is employed to reduce the friction when conveying the printing plate from the loading table to an imaging cylinder. The loading table comprises a plurality of openings connected to a reversible pump. Pneumatic suction or pressure from the pump is transferred to the printing plate via the openings in the loading table. While immobilized on the loading table with pneumatic suction, the flexographic plates can be prepared for imaging by peeling the protective coating from the active layer. The coupling of the plate to the loading table surface facilitates such preparatory steps without excessive handling of the plate. After preparation, the pneumatic pressure is reversed and a thin layer of air is created underneath the plate reducing the friction and permitting simple transfer of the plate to an imaging cylinder for further processing.

    摘要翻译: 公开了用于柔性版印刷版的装载台,其中采用气动抽吸将印版固定到装载台上,并且采用气压来减小将印刷板从装载台传送到成像筒时的摩擦力。 装载台包括连接到可逆泵的多个开口。 来自泵的气动吸力或压力通过装载台中的开口传递到印版。 当通过气动吸力固定在装载台上时,可以通过从活性层剥离保护涂层来制备柔性版。 板与装载台表面的联接有助于这种准备步骤,而不会过多地处理板。 制备后,气压反转,板下方形成一层薄薄的空气,减少了摩擦,并允许将板简单地转移到成像圆筒上进一步加工。