A fast spin echo (FSE) pulse sequence is employed to perform a multi-slice, multi-angle MRI scan. The slices are scanned in groups, with all the slices in each group being oriented at the same angle and sampled in an interleaved manner. Total scan time is reduced by acquiring multiple, separately phase encoded echo signals during each FSE pulse sequence. Presaturation bands may be produced for each group of slices to reduce flow artifacts in the reconstructed slice images.
Fast spin echo pulse sequences are adjusted to reduce, or eliminate image artifacts caused by Maxwell terms arising from the linear imaging gradients. The waveforms of the slice selection, phase encoding and readout gradients are adjusted in shape, size or position to eliminate or reduce the phase error caused by the spatially quadratic Maxwell terms.
Fast spin echo pulse sequences are adjusted to reduce, or eliminate image artifacts caused by Maxwell terms arising from the linear imaging gradients. The waveforms of the slice selection, phase encoding and readout gradients are adjusted in shape, size or position to eliminate or reduce the phase error caused by the spatially quadratic Maxwell terms.