A bag for containing bulk material which may be inserted as a liner in a drum type of container, the bag containing a plurality of packets of conditioning material firmly secured to the inside surface thereof for maintaining bulk material within the bag in a desired state of preservation, the conditioning material within the packets being either a suitable desiccant, adsorbent or absorbent, and the packets including permeable casings which permit the conditioning material therein to act on the space within the bag and on the bulk material contained therein.
A dual compartment powder cartridge including a porous shell formed by fusing the lapped side edge portions of a blank of sheet material to a central portion thereof to form two compartments, a pointed closed first end on the cartridge, powder in the dual compartments, and a sealed second end on the cartridge for closing the compartments. A machine for forming a dual compartment cartridge including a first station for scoring a strip of material with spaced parallel score lines, a second station for folding the strip of material along the score lines to cause opposite edge portions to be placed in lapped engagement with each other and with the central portion of the strip, and a third station for ultrasonically welding the lapped portions to provide a seam between two adjacent compartments. A method of forming a dual compartment powder cartridge consisting of the steps essentially described above relative to the machine, including the additional steps of forming one end of the cartridge to a point and sealing the first end, filling the cartridge with powder, and thereafter sealing the opposite end of the cartridge.
An adsorbent cartridge having an elongated hollow cylindrical body member fabricated of polyethylene, polyester or polypropylene, spun-bonded polyolefin membranes closing the open ends of the body member, adsorbent within the body member, raised splines or ribs extending longitudinally on the outer surface of the body member for causing the cartridge to have a different feel than a medicinal capsule with which it may be packaged, and circumferentially extending integrally molded bands at opposite ends of the body member for reinforcing the body member against radial deflection which could result in separation of the membranes therefrom.
A dual compartment powder cartridge including a porous shell formed by fusing the lapped side edge portions of a blank of sheet material to a central portion thereof to form two compartments, a pointed closed first end on the cartridge, powder in the dual compartments, and a sealed second end on the cartridge for closing the compartments. A machine for forming a dual compartment cartridge including a first station for scoring a strip of material with spaced parallel score lines, a second station for folding the strip of material along the score lines to cause opposite edge portions to be placed in lapped engagement with each other and with the central portion of the strip, and a third station for ultrasonically welding the lapped portions to provide a seam between two adjacent compartments. A method of forming a dual compartment powder cartridge consisting of the steps essentially described above relative to the machine, including the additional steps of forming one end of the cartridge to a point and sealing the first end, filling the cartridge with powder, and thereafter sealing the opposite end of the cartridge.
A self-retaining adsorbent container including a cylindrical cup-shaped casing of porous material, adsorbent in the casing, a porous end wall secured to the edge of the cup-shaped casing at its open end by a rim which is more rigid than the material of the cup-shaped casing, and diametrically spaced concave indentations in the casing and the cover for receiving spaced pipes in a refrigerant receiver.
An adsorbent unit for mounting on a refrigerant conduit in the top portion of a refrigerant receiver including first and second adsorbent containers having porous walls connected by a harness which is an extension of the walls of the containers, a tubular member secured to the harness for telescopic mounting onto an open end of the refrigerant conduit, the first container having a full pocket shape and the second container being U-shaped with a pair of legs on opposite sides of an opening therebetween, and the harness extending between the first container and the upper portion of one of the legs.
A controlled rate adsorbent unit including an adsorbent and a heat-shrunk casing of porous material having a predetermined water vapor transmission rate encasing the adsorbent for prolonging the water vapor adsorption time of the adsorbent. The controlled rate adsorbent unit may be in the shape of a recording disc or it may be in the shape of a three-dimensional solid with the heat-shrunk casing stretched tightly thereover. A method of fabricating a controlled rate adsorbent unit including the steps of providing an adsorbent material, heating the adsorbent material to dry off moisture therefrom, providing a porous material having a controlled water vapor transmission rate, sealing the adsorbent material in a casing of the porous material, heat-shrinking the porous material about the adsorbent, and storing the sealed adsorbent material in a moisture barrier package.
A self-retaining adsorbent cartridge having spaced adsorbent containers attached to each other at their inner ends by a yoke and having tab-like latch structure on their outer ends, the latch structure consisting of a flexible resilient latch member formed at the outer end of one of the adsorbent containers and a second latch member having an aperture therein for receiving the first latch member in locking engagement so that the spaced adsorbent containers will be secured in side-by-side relationship with a bend in the yoke. A self-retaining adsorbent cartridge having tab-like latch structure extending outwardly from opposite edges thereof for encircling conduits in a refrigerant receiver and binding the adsorbent cartridge thereto.
An adsorbent device including a porous casing containing adsorbent for placement between spaced pipe portions in a refrigerant receiver with the outer edge portions of the casing bearing against the spaced pipe portions, the adsorbent device including a clip having tabs at opposite ends thereof bonded to tabs on opposite sides of the casing, clip portions on the ends of the clip including a first U-shaped portion extending substantially in the direction of the body of the clip for loosely bracketing one of the pipe portions, and a second U-shaped portion extending substantially perpendicularly to the body of the clip for snapping onto the other pipe portion to thereby hold the casing of the adsorbent device between the spaced pipe portions. The clip is oriented relative to the casing so that the clip portion which snaps onto the pipe always extends substantially perpendicularly thereto, regardless of which pipe portion it snaps onto when the pipe portions are not parallel to each other.
An adsorbent packet including a casing of permeable material, adsorbent in the casing, and a sleeve of metal foil fused to a central portion of the casing by ultrasonic welding and having a layer of nylon on the outside thereof. A method of fabricating an adsorbent packet including the steps of superimposing a first sheet of permeable material over a first sheet of metal foil, superimposing a second sheet of metal foil over a second sheet of permeable material, forming the first sheets into a pocket with the metal foil on the outer surface of the central portion thereof, filling the pocket with adsorbent, superimposing the second sheet of permeable material and the second sheet of metal foil over the pocket with the second sheet of metal foil on the outside thereof and in line with the first sheet of metal foil, sealing edge portions of all of the first and second sheets to form a casing containing adsorbent with a metal foil sleeve on the outside thereof and with a seam extending copmletely around the casing, and trimming the flash off of the material outside of the seam.