A high voltage, high current DC switch is shown having a single pole, double throw relay and a solid state power switch such as an IGBT or MOSFET transistor. Voltage is switched by means of the solid state switch while steady state current is conducted through the relay load contact. Several different protector devices are used in the event of circuit malfunction including a combination of thermal and current fuses and resettable thermostats.
A disc assembly for a bimetallic disc-actuated thermostatic switch is adapted to minimize response time. The switch includes a disc assembly comprising a disc retainer, and a bimetallic disc and a cap on the disc retainer. The disc retainer includes a central hub portion, a plurality of fingers which radiate outwardly from the hub portion, a plurality of disc retainer projections on the fingers adjacent the terminal ends thereof and a plurality of disc support shoulders on the fingers adjacent the disc retainer projections thereon. The fingers have open notches therebetween for reducing the cross sectional area of the material available in the disc retainer for conducting heat from the bimetallic disc to the body portion of a thermostatic switch on which the disc assembly is installed. The cap includes an end wall portion having an enlarged opening therein and a skirt portion having a plurality of apertures therein which reduce the cross sectional area of the material available in the skirt portion for conducting heat from the bimetallic disc to the body portion of a switch.
A sensor assembly for use with automotive transmission systems includes an overmolded lead frame 10 having a plurality of sensing stations 16, 17 18, 19 20, 21 and 22. A temperature dependent resistor 32 is encapsulated in a post 42 integrally formed with the overmold at temperature sensor station 16. Post 42 is adapted to be received in a bore 68 cast in the transmission housing wall and serves as a datum to position the mounting holes of the assembly in alignment with selected bores in the transmission housing. Temperature sensing station 16 is circumscribed by an annular rib 52 which cooperates with a plurality of protrusions 62 to receive therebetween an O-ring seal member 54.