A communication device 10 and a corresponding method are arranged for changing the radiation pattern of an antenna 14, where the radiation pattern of the antenna 14 is set to a half-space pattern if the communication device 10 is in close proximity to an object. A reflector 18 is activated to produce the half space radiation pattern. The reflector 18 is deactivated to produce the full space pattern. A switching device 26 determines the state of the reflector 18. A sensing and control device 23 controls the state of the switching device 26.
According to the invention, a carry holder for carrying a portable two-way radio provides the interconnections between the portable radio and a accessory device. The carry holder provides the interconnection between the portable radio's universal connector and the accessory device's accessory connector. When the radio is placed in the carry holder, the radio's universal connector engages the carry holder, which is coupled to the accessory device. Therefore, a quick engagement and disengagement mechanism for the radio and the accessory device is provided.
A band (or eyelet) (16 or 17) is crimped onto a cable (12) so as to form at least one flange (18 or 19). The flange (18 or 19) is received in a slot between fingers (23) of a receptacle (20) so as to provide both longitudinal and rotational strain relief.