A method and composition for the purpose of detecting and measuring analytes, such as antibodies, which are capable of binding with certain binding partners such as antigens. A homogenous assay is performed in the presence of free unbound antibodies. Such a homogeneous assay testing for specific antibodies is herein possible by defining of test subsets of microparticles having specific antigens thereon which are capable of binding with specific target antibodies. The microparticle suspension also includes at least two calibration subsets of microparticles having a binding partner thereon with at least two known levels of concentration which is capable of binding with human antibodies for the purpose of assay calibration. A verification subset of microparticles is included with another binding partner thereon at a known concentration, capable of binding with anti-human antibodies. This suspension is incubated with a human sample and then is incubated with a tagging component which is measurable for calibration and verification and finally for determining the concentration of target antibodies bound to the test subsets. A separate verification subset of microparticles is included for verifying the calibration and for yielding a correction factor therefore. A complete calibration calculation is performed for each sample being tested. Preferably, the attaching component of the tagging component is the same molecule as the first binding partner material positioned on the calibration subsets of microparticles.
The present invention relates to methods and compositions for use in the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of patients with suspected autoimmune disorders. In particular, the present invention provides an auto-antibody assessment system that combines a multiplex bead array using purified antigens with human cells. When analysis is performed with the system using means such as flow cytometry, this mixture can provide a more comprehensive auto-antigen profile for assessing disease states in autoimmune disorders.
A method and composition for detecting and measuring analytes, such as antibodies, which are capable of binding with certain binding partners such as antigens. A homogenous assay is performed in the presence of free unbound antibodies. Such a homogeneous assay testing for specific antibodies is herein possible by defining of test subsets of microparticles having specific antigens thereon which are capable of binding with specific target antibodies. The microparticle suspension also includes at least two calibration subsets of microparticles having a binding partner thereon with at least two known levels of concentration which is capable of binding with human antibodies for the purpose of assay calibration. A verification subset of microparticles is included with another binding partner thereon at a known concentration, capable of binding with anti-human antibodies. This suspension is incubated with a human sample and then is incubated with a tagging component.