Auto thumbnail gallery
    Auto thumbnail gallery 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F17/30 G06F3/00

    CPC分类号: G06F17/3089

    摘要: A tool that enables a user to easily and automatically create a photo gallery of thumbnail images on a Web page. A user selects a group of original images, and the tool automatically produces a corresponding group of thumbnail images on the Web page, with hyperlinks to the corresponding original images. Four predefined templates are included, each defining a different format for the thumbnail images including a vertically oriented gallery, a horizontally oriented gallery, a slide show gallery, and a montage gallery. Captions and descriptive text can also be entered and displayed for the thumbnail images in most of the style galleries. An edit function enables a user to add or delete images to existing galleries and to automatically modify the appearance of a photo gallery by selecting and applying a different template.

    摘要翻译: 一种使用户能够在网页上轻松自动创建缩略图的照片库的工具。 用户选择一组原始图像,并且该工具在网页上自动产生相应的缩略图组,并且将超链接到相应的原始图像。 包括四个预定义的模板,每个模板定义缩略图的不同格式,包括垂直定向的画廊,水平定向的画廊,幻灯片放映画廊和蒙太奇画廊。 也可以为大多数风格画廊中的缩略图输入和显示字幕和描述性文字。 编辑功能使用户能够通过选择和应用不同的模板来将图像添加或删除到现有画廊并自动修改照片库的外观。

    Auto thumbnail gallery
    Auto thumbnail gallery 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F3/00 G06F3/048

    CPC分类号: G06F17/3089

    摘要: A tool that enables a user to easily and automatically create a photo gallery of thumbnail images on a Web page. A user selects a group of original images, and the tool automatically produces a corresponding group of thumbnail images on the Web page, with hyperlinks to the corresponding original images. Four predefined templates are included, each defining a different format for the thumbnail images including a vertically oriented gallery, a horizontally oriented gallery, a slide show gallery, and a montage gallery. Captions and descriptive text can also be entered and displayed for the thumbnail images in most of the style galleries. An edit function enables a user to add or delete images to existing galleries and to automatically modify the appearance of a photo gallery by selecting and applying a different template.

    摘要翻译: 一种使用户能够在网页上轻松自动创建缩略图的照片库的工具。 用户选择一组原始图像,并且该工具在网页上自动产生相应的缩略图组,并且将超链接到相应的原始图像。 包括四个预定义的模板,每个模板定义缩略图的不同格式,包括垂直定向的画廊,水平定向的画廊,幻灯片放映画廊和蒙太奇画廊。 也可以为大多数风格画廊中的缩略图输入和显示字幕和描述性文字。 编辑功能使用户能够通过选择和应用不同的模板来将图像添加或删除到现有画廊并自动修改照片库的外观。

    Robust modification of persistent objects while preserving formatting and other attributes
    Robust modification of persistent objects while preserving formatting and other attributes 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F1200

    摘要: A method and system for preserving attributes of objects within a file that was created in a different environment from that in which the file is opened, enabling the attributes to be maintained after the file is saved. For example, an HTML document created with a text editor includes elements such as plain text and HTML tags, with which attributes such as whitespace, line breaks, and indent level are associated. When such a document is opened in an HTML editor implementing the present invention, the attributes of these elements are preserved. Even when changes to these elements occur, to the extent possible, the method provides for determining attributes of related elements that were in the document as originally opened in the HTML editor, so that these attributes can be applied to corresponding objects that are added to the document or in regard to changes that are made by the user. The preservation of persistent object attributes is also applicable to other types of software applications such as language development systems and word processing programs. This invention thus insures, for example, that functions developed in newer versions of a program, although not recognized in an earlier version, persist when a file is opened in the earlier version and then saved.

    摘要翻译: 一种方法和系统,用于保存在与打开文件不同的环境中创建的文件中的对象的属性,使文件保存后能够维护属性。 例如,使用文本编辑器创建的HTML文档包括诸如纯文本和HTML标签之类的元素,与空格,换行符和缩进级别等属性相关联。 当在实现本发明的HTML编辑器中打开这样的文档时,这些元素的属性被保留。 即使发生这些元素的更改,尽可能地,该方法提供了确定文档中原始在HTML编辑器中打开的相关元素的属性,以便这些属性可以应用于添加到 文件或用户所做的更改。 持久对象属性的保存也适用于其他类型的软件应用程序,如语言开发系统和文字处理程序。 因此,本发明确保了例如在较新版本的程序中开发的功能虽然在早期版本中未被识别,但是在较早版本中打开文件然后保存时仍然存在。

    Method for promoting contextual information to display pages containing hyperlinks
    Method for promoting contextual information to display pages containing hyperlinks 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F15/00 G06F17/00

    摘要: Contextual information concerning linked documents is promoted to display pages that contain hyperlinks to those documents. The contextual information can be immediately displayed, or it can be selectively displayed in response to a user selecting a text hyperlink anchor or a picture icon hyperlink anchor. Furthermore, the contextual information can include a variety of information about the linked document, including whether it has been modified within a predefined time period, such as the last 24 hours, a comment by the author concerning recent changes, and the size of the document. Preferably, the contextual information is automatically generated by a data promotion engine based on meta-data that is associated with the document and stored on a web site for the document. One of the types of contextual information stored in the meta-data is a manually defined category for a hyperlink in the display page.

    摘要翻译: 有关链接文档的上下文信息被提升为显示包含这些文档的超链接的页面。 可以立即显示上下文信息,或者响应于用户选择文本超链接锚点或图片图标超链接锚点,可以选择性地显示上下文信息。 此外,上下文信息可以包括关于链接文档的各种信息,包括是否在预定义的时间段内(例如最近24小时)进行了修改,作者关于最近的改变的评论以及文档的大小 。 优选地,上下文信息由数据推进引擎基于与文档相关联并存储在文档的网站上的元数据自动生成。 存储在元数据中的上下文信息的一种类型是显示页面中的超链接的手动定义的类别。

    Method for promoting contextual information to display pages containing hyperlinks
    Method for promoting contextual information to display pages containing hyperlinks 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F1500

    摘要: Contextual information concerning linked documents is promoted to display pages that contain hyperlinks to those documents. The contextual information can be immediately displayed, or it can be selectively displayed in response to a user selecting a text hyperlink anchor or a picture icon hyperlink anchor. Furthermore, the contextual information can include a variety of information about the linked document, including whether it has been modified within a predefined time period, such as the last 24 hours, a comment by the author concerning recent changes, and the size of the document. Preferably, the contextual information is automatically generated by a data promotion engine based on meta-data that is associated with the document and stored on a web site for the document. The contextual information may be either added to the document that corresponds to a display page at the time the document page is saved, or it may be dynamically uploaded to a browser when the display page is rendered by a browser. One of the types of contextual information stored in the meta-data is a manually defined category for a hyperlink in the display page.

    摘要翻译: 有关链接文档的上下文信息被提升为显示包含这些文档的超链接的页面。 可以立即显示上下文信息,或者响应于用户选择文本超链接锚点或图片图标超链接锚点,可以选择性地显示上下文信息。 此外,上下文信息可以包括关于链接文档的各种信息,包括是否在预定义的时间段(例如最近24小时)内修改,作者关于最近的改变的评论以及文档的大小 。 优选地,上下文信息由数据推进引擎基于与文档相关联并存储在文档的网站上的元数据自动生成。 上下文信息可以被添加到在保存文档页面时对应于显示页面的文档中,或者当浏览器呈现显示页面时,上下文信息可以被动态地上传到浏览器。 存储在元数据中的上下文信息的一种类型是显示页面中的超链接的手动定义的类别。

    Procedural toolbar user interface
    Procedural toolbar user interface 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F300

    CPC分类号: G06F3/0481

    摘要: A user interface toolbar and associated method for enabling a user to make a series of selections in a procedural order that can be used to assign properties to a component object in an application program document. The toolbar contains a plurality of selection controls, each containing a control value and a dropdown menu. The menu options that drop down in successive selection controls change in context with the menu choices made in a previous selection control. A user typically fills selection controls from left to right (or top to bottom) in a procedural fashion. As the user makes selections to fill in the controls, the menus corresponding to the selection controls that are downstream (to the right of or below) the last filled selection control are updated based on the content of the previous selections. The toolbar allows a user to select and change any selection previously made, as desired, with the resultant changes effecting the selections and menus to the right of or below the changed selection. The toolbar also allows a user to enter a secondary set of control values in the selection controls. Properties may be assigned to a component object in an application program document based on the control values in the selection controls. The toolbar preferably is implemented as a modeless window comprising a title bar and a close window icon, wherein the plurality of selection controls are arranged horizontally across the toolbar, or vertically.

    摘要翻译: 一种用户界面工具栏和关联方法,用于使用户能够按程序顺序进行一系列选择,以便将其应用于应用程序文档中的组件对象。 工具栏包含多个选择控件,每个控件包含一个控件值和一个下拉菜单。 在连续选择控件中下拉菜单选项会随上一个选择控件中的菜单选项而改变。 用户通常以程序方式从左到右(或从上到下)填充选择控件。 当用户进行选择以填充控件时,基于先前选择的内容更新与最后填充的选择控件的下游(右侧或下方)的选择控件相对应的菜单。 工具栏允许用户根据需要选择和更改先前所做的任何选择,结果更改将影响更改选择权限的选项和菜单。 工具栏还允许用户在选择控件中输入辅助的一组控制值。 可以基于选择控件中的控制值将属性分配给应用程序文档中的组件对象。 工具栏优选地被实现为包括标题栏和关闭窗口图标的无模式窗口,其中多个选择控件被水平地布置在工具栏上或垂直方向上。