Resolving update-delete conflicts
    Resolving update-delete conflicts 有权
    解决更新 - 删除冲突





    IPC分类号: G06F17/30

    CPC分类号: G06F17/30578

    摘要: Update-delete conflicts detected during synchronization can be resolved in favor of the update or the deletion. Resolving the conflict in favor of the deletion results in the entity deleted on one replica being deleted on all selected replicas. Resolving the conflict in favor of the update results in the updated entity, which includes an entity moved from one hierarchy to another, being replicated on all selected replicas. To resolve the conflict in favor of the update, the deletion is treated as though it were reported erroneously. The deleted entity is resurrected in the form of the updated entity. Change version information is maintained in all replicas. Update-delete conflicts are resolvable in accordance with various resolution policies such as the update wins, deletion wins, changes occurring on a particular device wins, and most recent event wins, for example.

    摘要翻译: 可以解决同步期间检测到的更新 - 删除冲突,有利于更新或删除。 解决冲突有利于删除结果,在一个副本上删除的实体在所有选定的副本上被删除。 解决有利于更新的冲突导致更新的实体(包括从一个层次结构移动到另一个层次的实体)在所有选定的副本上复制。 为了解决有利于更新的冲突,删除被视为错误地报告。 被删除的实体以更新实体的形式复活。 更改版本信息保留在所有副本中。 更新 - 删除冲突可以根据各种解决方案策略进行解析,例如更新赢,删除胜利,特定设备上发生的更改胜利,以及最近的事件胜利。

    Resolving update-delete conflicts
    Resolving update-delete conflicts 有权
    解决更新 - 删除冲突





    IPC分类号: G06F7/00 G06F15/16 H04W4/00

    CPC分类号: G06F17/30578

    摘要: Update-delete conflicts detected during synchronization can be resolved in favor of the update or the deletion. Resolving the conflict in favor of the deletion results in the entity deleted on one replica being deleted on all selected replicas. Resolving the conflict in favor of the update results in the updated entity, which includes an entity moved from one hierarchy to another, being replicated on all selected replicas. To resolve the conflict in favor of the update, the deletion is treated as though it were reported erroneously. The deleted entity is resurrected in the form of the updated entity. Change version information is maintained in all replicas. Update-delete conflicts are resolvable in accordance with various resolution policies such as the update wins, deletion wins, changes occurring on a particular device wins, and most recent event wins, for example.

    摘要翻译: 可以解决同步期间检测到的更新 - 删除冲突,有利于更新或删除。 解决冲突有利于删除结果,在一个副本上删除的实体在所有选定的副本上被删除。 解决有利于更新的冲突导致更新的实体(包括从一个层次结构移动到另一个层次的实体)在所有选定的副本上复制。 为了解决有利于更新的冲突,删除被视为错误地报告。 被删除的实体以更新实体的形式复活。 更改版本信息保留在所有副本中。 更新 - 删除冲突可以根据各种解决方案策略进行解析,例如更新赢,删除胜利,特定设备上发生的更改胜利,以及最近的事件胜利。

    Replication protocol for data stores
    Replication protocol for data stores 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F17/30

    摘要: A protocol for replicating replicas in a sync community. Each replica maintains a knowledge that represents changes that the replica is aware of. Each replica does not typically maintain knowledge about other replicas. The protocol includes messages that include knowledge about changes on the various replicas. Using the knowledge, the replicas can enumerate changes and send the changes using asynchronous messages that do not need to be received in any particular order. The protocol enables filters to ensure that a valid replication is possible using a minimum knowledge argument. The protocol also enables replicas to partially replicate using filtered knowledge.

    摘要翻译: 用于在同步社区中复制副本的协议。 每个副本都维护一个代表该副本所知的变化的知识。 每个副本通常不会保留关于其他副本的知识。 该协议包括包含有关各种副本上的更改的知识的消息。 使用知识,副本可以枚举更改,并使用不需要以任何特定顺序接收的异步消息发送更改。 该协议允许过滤器确保使用最小知识参数可以进行有效的复制。 该协议还使复制品能够使用过滤的知识进行部分复制。

    Synchronization with derived metadata
    Synchronization with derived metadata 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F17/30

    摘要: A system and method for synchronizing a database comprising raw data and metadata derived from the raw data, but when the metadata has not yet been updated. The raw data and the metadata are first synchronized, with the raw data having been assigned a version number. After synchronization, any stale metadata will be updated and assigned the same version number as the raw data.

    摘要翻译: 一种用于使包含原始数据和从原始数据导出的元数据的数据库同步的系统和方法,但是当元数据尚未被更新时。 原始数据和元数据首先被同步,原始数据被分配了版本号。 同步后,任何陈旧的元数据将被更新,并分配与原始数据相同的版本号。

    Multi-master database synchronization without loss of convergence
    Multi-master database synchronization without loss of convergence 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F17/30

    CPC分类号: G06F17/30578

    摘要: Tombstones can be removed from a data store without data corruption. Tombstones placed into a forgotten knowledge list can be compared against each other and/or items in a tombstone table, and deleted when tombstones representing subsequently deleted items are extant. Also, creation database version information can be kept along with database items, and databases can record database version information when they synchronize. If a synchronizing database discovers an item that it does not have, but the creation database version information associated with the item reflects that the synchronizing database “should” have the item, then it can be inferred that the item was subsequently deleted, and item resurrection can be prevented.

    摘要翻译: 可以从数据存储中删除墓碑,而不会导致数据损坏。 放置在被遗忘的知识列表中的墓碑可以相互比较和/或墓碑表中的项目,并且当代表随后删除的项目的墓碑是现存时被删除。 此外,创建数据库版本信息可以与数据库项一起保存,数据库可以在数据库同步时记录数据库版本信息。 如果同步数据库发现它没有的项目,但与该项目相关联的创建数据库版本信息反映了同步数据库“应该”具有该项目,则可以推断该项目随后被删除,并且项目复活 可以防止。

    Uniform transfer of data independent of the transfer mechanism
    Uniform transfer of data independent of the transfer mechanism 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F9/46

    CPC分类号: G06F9/54 Y10S707/99931

    摘要: A uniform data structure contains a number of data fields. Some of the data fields are dedicated to contain information concerning the transfer of a data segment of a particular type (such as an XML segment) using one particular transfer mechanism (such as transferring as a string or DOM object, or transfer using an interface such as ISAXContentHandler, ITextSource, ITextSink, or IDOMSink interfaces). Other data fields are dedicated to contain information concerning the transfer of data segments of the same particular type using another transfer mechanism. When a module is to transfer a data segment, the module will cause the unified data structure to be altered as appropriate for the desired transfer mechanism.

    摘要翻译: 统一的数据结构包含多个数据字段。 一些数据字段专门用于包含有关使用一种特定传输机制(例如转换为字符串或DOM对象,或使用接口等传输的特定类型的数据段(例如XML段))的传输的信息 作为ISAXContentHandler,ITextSource,ITextSink或IDOMSink接口)。 其他数据字段专门用于包含关于使用另一传送机制传输相同特定类型的数据段的信息。 当一个模块要传输一个数据段时,该模块会使统一的数据结构根据所需的传输机制进行更改。