A method of binding vanadium compounds which are formed as reaction products during the combustion of solid or fluid petroleum residues in vapor generators. The binding of the vanadium compounds is effected within the framework of a combustion with alkali earth containing coals which are preferably high-ash coals. With solid petroleum residues, the coal is mixed with the residue prior to entry into the combustion zone. With fluid petroleum residues, the coal is introduced into the combustion zone via a burner along with, yet separate from, the residues.
A method of binding sulfur compounds, which result as react products during the combustion of sulfur-containing fuels in firing equipment, by the addition of additives. A mixture of alkali carbonate and an alkaline earth oxide, for example a mixture of sodium carbonate and magnesium oxide, are used as the additive. Such a mixture may include approximately one part by weight sodium carbonate and approximately two parts by weight magnesium oxide.