Process integration persistency
    Process integration persistency 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F15/16

    CPC分类号: G06Q10/08

    摘要: The addition of a datastore to an application system using process agents for communication allows for maintaining a persistent state by storing records of messages sent between process agents. These records may be retrievable by process agents in order to determine the state of the system. This allows process agents to update previous transactions without storing a copy of messages within each process agent or communicating with every potentially involved process agent to determine its current state.

    摘要翻译: 将数据存储添加到使用用于通信的进程代理的应用系统允许通过存储在进程代理之间发送的消息的记录来维持持久状态。 这些记录可以由进程代理检索,以便确定系统的状态。 这允许进程代理更新先前的事务,而不在每个进程代理中存储消息的副本,或者与每个可能涉及的进程代理进行通信以确定其当前状态。

    Process integration persistency
    Process integration persistency 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F15/16

    CPC分类号: G06Q10/08

    摘要: The addition of a datastore to an application system using process agents for communication allows for maintaining a persistent state by storing records of messages sent between process agents. These records may be retrievable by process agents in order to determine the state of the system. This allows process agents to update previous transactions without storing a copy of messages within each process agent or communicating with every potentially involved process agent to determine its current state.

    摘要翻译: 将数据存储添加到使用用于通信的进程代理的应用系统允许通过存储在进程代理之间发送的消息的记录来维持持久状态。 这些记录可以由进程代理检索,以便确定系统的状态。 这允许进程代理更新先前的事务,而不在每个进程代理中存储消息的副本,或者与每个可能涉及的进程代理进行通信以确定其当前状态。

    Process integration error and conflict handling
    Process integration error and conflict handling 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F17/60

    摘要: A system and method are provided for handling errors that arise in communications between process agents on behalf of business objects. The system and method deal with the discovery and reconciliation of business-logic-level errors and conflicts. The system and method may operate at two levels: they may detect errors and conflicts from within a process agent based on the messages it receives or has access to, or they may detect the errors and conflicts from another object based on collection of inter-process agent messages. Errors and conflicts may be automatically reconciled. This may occur when the system or method determines potential causes of the error and the potential impact of each cause. This allows for automated error or conflict handling in many cases where the cause is trivial or where the cause and solution are definitely discernable.

    摘要翻译: 提供了一种系统和方法,用于处理代表业务对象的进程代理之间的通信中出现的错误。 系统和方法处理业务逻辑级错误和冲突的发现和调和。 系统和方法可以在两个层面上操作:它们可以基于其接收到的或者可以访问的消息来检测来自进程代理的错误和冲突,或者它们可以基于进程间的收集来检测来自另一对象的错误和冲突 代理信息。 错误和冲突可能会自动协调。 当系统或方法确定错误的潜在原因和每个原因的潜在影响时,可能会发生这种情况。 这在许多情况下允许自动错误或冲突处理,原因很简单,或者原因和解决方案绝对可辨别。

    Process agents for process integration
    Process agents for process integration 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F7/00

    CPC分类号: G06Q10/06

    摘要: The addition of process agents into an application system allows a much simpler integration between business objects by placing the integrating components into separate, independently updateable process agents. Process agents observe business objects with which they are associated and communicate with other process agents. Alternatively, process agents may be notified by business objects to perform communication activities. Thus, a business object may be designed, operated, or updated with complete independence from the surrounding structure of the application system. The logic, application code, and integration components that require specific changes or design in response to changes in the overall application system or real world conditions are placed in the process agent objects, allowing them to be updated, modified or integrated freely without any changes to business objects within the system.

    摘要翻译: 通过将集成组件放置在单独的,可独立更新的进程代理中,将进程代理添加到应用程序系统中可以简化业务对象之间的集成。 进程代理观察与之关联的业务对象,并与其他进程代理进行通信。 或者,可以由业务对象通知处理代理以执行通信活动。 因此,可以与应用系统的周围结构完全独立地设计,操作或更新业务对象。 需要对整体应用系统或现实世界条件的变化进行特定更改或设计的逻辑,应用程序代码和集成组件放置在进程代理对象中,从而可以自由更新,修改或集成,而无需任何更改 系统内的业务对象。

    Process agents for process integration
    Process agents for process integration 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F3/00 G06F7/00 G06F15/16

    CPC分类号: G06Q10/06

    摘要: The addition of process agents into an application system allows a much simpler integration between business objects by placing the integrating components into separate, independently updateable process agents. Process agents observe business objects with which they are associated and communicate with other process agents. Alternatively, process agents may be notified by business objects to perform communication activities. Thus, a business object may be designed, operated, or updated with complete independence from the surrounding structure of the application system. The logic, application code, and integration components that require specific changes or design in response to changes in the overall application system or real world conditions are placed in the process agent objects, allowing them to be updated, modified or integrated freely without any changes to business objects within the system.

    摘要翻译: 通过将集成组件放置在单独的,可独立更新的进程代理中,将进程代理添加到应用程序系统中可以简化业务对象之间的集成。 进程代理观察与之关联的业务对象,并与其他进程代理进行通信。 或者,可以由业务对象通知处理代理以执行通信活动。 因此,可以与应用系统的周围结构完全独立地设计,操作或更新业务对象。 需要对整体应用系统或现实世界条件的变化进行特定更改或设计的逻辑,应用程序代码和集成组件放置在进程代理对象中,从而可以自由更新,修改或集成,而无需任何更改 系统内的业务对象。

    Process integration error and conflict handling
    Process integration error and conflict handling 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F17/30

    摘要: A system and method are provided for handling errors that arise in communications between process agents on behalf of business objects. The system and method deal with the discovery and reconciliation of business-logic-level errors and conflicts. The system and method may operate at two levels: they may detect errors and conflicts from within a process agent based on the messages it receives or has access to, or they may detect the errors and conflicts from another object based on collection of inter-process agent messages. Errors and conflicts may be automatically reconciled. This may occur when the system or method determines potential causes of the error and the potential impact of each cause. This allows for automated error or conflict handling in many cases where the cause is trivial or where the cause and solution are definitely discernable.

    摘要翻译: 提供了一种系统和方法,用于处理代表业务对象的进程代理之间的通信中出现的错误。 系统和方法处理业务逻辑级错误和冲突的发现和调和。 系统和方法可以在两个层面上操作:它们可以基于其接收到的或者可以访问的消息来检测来自进程代理的错误和冲突,或者它们可以基于进程间的收集来检测来自另一对象的错误和冲突 代理信息。 错误和冲突可能会自动协调。 当系统或方法确定错误的潜在原因和每个原因的潜在影响时,可能会发生这种情况。 这在许多情况下允许自动错误或冲突处理,原因很简单,或者原因和解决方案绝对可辨别。

    Cross-system update method and system
    Cross-system update method and system 有权





    IPC分类号: G06F17/30 G06Q10/00

    摘要: A system and method for updating a business object, where the business object is distributed across multiple computing systems. One of the computing systems is designated as a master or principal computing system. Each copy of the business object includes an update counter, which may be updated only by the master. Changes to the business object may be received from a subordinate computing system only when the value of the update counter at the subordinate is equal to the value of the update counter at the master. Embodiments of the invention permit the controlled manipulation of objects that are distributed across multiple computing systems. Furthermore, embodiments of the invention may be implemented with little or no modification to existing applications, each of which may employ very different data record locking mechanisms.

    摘要翻译: 一种用于更新业务对象的系统和方法,其中业务对象分布在多个计算系统中。 其中一个计算系统被指定为主计算系统或主计算系统。 业务对象的每个副本都包含一个更新计数器,该计数器只能由主数据库更新。 只有当下属的更新计数器的值等于主机上的更新计数器的值时,才能从下属计算系统接收对业务对象的更改。 本发明的实施例允许受控地操纵分布在多个计算系统上的对象。 此外,本发明的实施例可以对现有应用程序进行很少或没有修改来实现,每个应用程序可以采用非常不同的数据记录锁定机制。