A ski-binding testing apparatus that includes an axial-force indicator that indicates when a force applied to the testing apparatus has an axial component that is outside of an acceptable range. In one example, the apparatus includes a simulated foot, a force-transmitting structure coupled to the simulated foot, a handgrip coupled to the force-transmitting structure, and an axial-force indicator that indicates when a forced applied by a user to the handgrip exceeds a predetermined threshold. In one embodiment, the force-transmitting structure can include a torque wrench that includes a torque beam, the handgrip, and axial-force indicator. The torque wrench can be provided with a conventional work-engagement end, such as a socket-type receiver to allow the axial-force-indicating functionality to be used outside the context of a ski-binding testing apparatus.
A ski-binding testing apparatus that includes an axial-force indicator that indicates when a force applied to the testing apparatus has an axial component that is outside of an acceptable range. In one example, the apparatus includes a simulated foot, a force-transmitting structure coupled to the simulated foot, a handgrip coupled to the force-transmitting structure, and an axial-force indicator that indicates when a forced applied by a user to the handgrip exceeds a predetermined threshold. In one embodiment, the force-transmitting structure can include a torque wrench that includes a torque beam, the handgrip, and axial-force indicator. The torque wrench can be provided with a conventional work-engagement end, such as a socket-type receiver to allow the axial-force-indicating functionality to be used outside the context of a ski-binding testing apparatus.