A new control circuit for a watchdog timer which is incorporated on the same integrated circuit as a microprocessor or microcontroller. The control circuit permits either permanent or software enablement or disablement of the watchdog timer depending on the operating mode of the microprocessor.
Specialized battery assisted command set design methods are disclosed that provide for interference rejection using highly sensitive but relatively broadband RFID tags. The command set design also supports RFID system RF power control for further interference control. The command set design also allows for convenient expansion to active transmitters and receivers in tags operating within the same system. Embodiments of the present invention provide RFID systems having battery-assisted, Semi-Passive RFID tags that operate with sensitive transistor based square law tag receivers utilizing a plurality of tag receiver dynamic range states. Additional enhancement attained via power leveling methods that optimize the amount of transmitted power and interference from a reader in relation to the sensitivity of the RFID tags, their ranges from the reader, and the unique physics of the backscatter RFID radio link.