User definable windows for selecting image processing regions
    User definable windows for selecting image processing regions 失效





    CPC classification number: G06T11/001 G06F3/04845

    Abstract: A system and methods for creating user definable windows for applying image processing, particularly useful in a post-production color correction equipment. The luminance values of a key image are captured in a key frame buffer. The key image is edited in a "paint" mode to enhance the luminance values or eliminate regions of the image, to define a region of interest. The key image is then converted to a 1-bit image. The 1-bit image is vectorized to derive a user defined window. The user defined window, comprising a closed polygon, is converted on a frame-by-frame basis to a bit map matte that is keyed with image processing such as color correction values. The user defined windows can be edited and stored and recalled for use in other frames. A user defined window for a first frame of a scene can be transformed or morphed into a user defined window for a final frame of a scene, with the system automatically interpolating between the beginning window and the ending window so that the window is automatically moved, resized, and changed in geometry during the succession of frames in a scene.

    Abstract translation: 一种用于创建用于应用图像处理的用户可定义窗口的系统和方法,在后期制作颜色校正设备中特别有用。 密钥图像的亮度值被捕获在关键帧缓冲器中。 以“油漆”模式编辑关键图像以增强亮度值或消除图像的区域,以定义感兴趣的区域。 然后将关键图像转换为1位图像。 1位图像被矢量化以导出用户定义的窗口。 包括闭合多边形的用户定义的窗口在逐帧的基础上被转换成与诸如颜色校正值的图像处理键入的位图哑光。 用户定义的窗口可以被编辑和存储和调用以用于其他帧。 用于场景的第一帧的用户定义的窗口可以被变换或变形为用于场景的最终帧的用户定义的窗口,系统在开始窗口和结束窗口之间自动内插,使得窗口被自动移动, 调整大小,并在场景中连续的帧期间改变几何。

    Primary and secondary color manipulations using hue, saturation, luminance and area isolation
    Primary and secondary color manipulations using hue, saturation, luminance and area isolation 有权





    Abstract: A color correction system that implements scene-by-scene color manipulation in the primary color domain to color correction regions of a video image isolated in the hue domain using hue, saturation, and luminance qualification. The system may be configured as a number of color correction blocks arranged in series or parallel. Each correction block typically allows a colorist to define up to sixteen non-overlapping hue sectors with associated corrected color values and qualification curves. Each color correction block has two video inputs, a first connected to the output from the previous block, and a second connected to an unprocessed video signal. Each block includes a video multiplexer that operates as a switch allowing the colorist to select either the output of a previous block or the unprocessed video input signal as the input for a given block. Delay buffers are positioned in the unprocessed video signal between each color correction block to synchronize the unprocessed video signal with the output video signal from the preceding color correction block. Thus, the color correction blocks may be applied separately (i.e., in parallel) or in tandem (i.e., in series) for each scene processed. In addition, a particular colorist may select the number of blocks in the system in accordance with that colorist's needs.

    Abstract translation: 一种颜色校正系统,其在原色域中实现场景颜色操作,以使用色调,饱和度和亮度限定在色相域中分离的视频图像的颜色校正区域。 该系统可以被配置为串联或并行布置的多个颜色校正块。 每个校正块通常允许着色者定义多达十六个非重叠色调扇区,其中具有相关联的校正颜色值和限定曲线。 每个颜色校正块具有两个视频输入,第一连接到前一块的输出,第二个连接到未处理的视频信号。 每个块包括作为开关操作的视频多路复用器,允许着色者选择先前块的输出或未处理的视频输入信号作为给定块的输入。 延迟缓冲器位于每个颜色校正块之间的未处理的视频信号中,以使未处理的视频信号与来自前一颜色校正块的输出视频信号同步。 因此,对于所处理的每个场景,颜色校正块可以单独地(即并行)或串联(即,串联地)应用。 此外,特定的着色者可以根据该着色者的需要来选择系统中的块数。

    Methods and apparatus for generating custom gamma curves for color correction equipment
    Methods and apparatus for generating custom gamma curves for color correction equipment 有权





    CPC classification number: H04N9/69 G06T5/009 G11B27/032 G11B2220/90

    Abstract: A control point based real time primary custom gamma curve generator for color correction equipment. A separate custom gamma curve generator circuit is provided for each of the RBG and luminance channels. A plurality of control points is provided and stored in a lookup table (LUT) stored in a random access memory (RAM). The control points are set and/or adjusted by the operator or loaded from a prestored set (e.g. a default custom gamma curve). The instantaneous input signal is divided into two portions—a control point address portion comprising the most significant bits (MSBs) of the input signal, and an interpolation address portion comprising the least significant bits (LSBs) of the input signal. The MSBs are used to select a particular control point value stored in RAM. The LSBs are used for interpolation of values with a smooth curve between control points. Also described are various user interfaces for the custom gamma curve generator.

    Abstract translation: 一种基于控制点的实时主要自定义伽马曲线发生器,用于色彩校正设备。 为每个RBG和亮度通道提供单独的自定义伽马曲线发生器电路。 多个控制点被提供并存储在存储在随机存取存储器(RAM)中的查找表(LUT)中。 控制点由操作者设置和/或调整,或者从预先存储的组(例如默认的自定义伽马曲线)加载。 瞬时输入信号被分成两部分 - 包括输入信号的最高有效位(MSB)的控制点地址部分和包括输入信号的最低有效位(LSB))的内插地址部分。 MSB用于选择存储在RAM中的特定控制点值。 LSB用于在控制点之间具有平滑曲线的值的插值。 还描述了用于自定义伽马曲线发生器的各种用户界面。

    Parabolic mixer for video signals
    Parabolic mixer for video signals 有权





    CPC classification number: H04N9/76 H04N5/265

    Abstract: A video signal mixer with a parabolic signal mixing function, especially useful in scene-by-scene color correction systems and “blue screen” video masking applications. The mixer effects mixing two independent signal sources while smoothly controlling the rate of change during mixing. An input stage receives a first video signal and a second video signal. The mixing circuit mixes the first video signal with the second video signal based on a predetermined parabolic function. An aperture signal circuit in the mixer allows a degree of operator control over the parabolic function. An output stage provides a parabolized output signal. The output signal, which comprises the mixture of the first video signal and the second video signal, eliminates discontinuities in regions of the signal which would otherwise produce discontinuities in prior art types of video signal mixers.

    Abstract translation: 具有抛物线信号混合功能的视频信号混合器,特别适用于逐场色彩校正系统和“蓝屏”视频屏蔽应用。 混合器将混合两个独立的信号源,同时平稳地控制混合期间的变化率。 输入级接收第一视频信号和第二视频信号。 混合电路基于预定的抛物线函数将第一视频信号与第二视频信号混合。 混合器中的孔径信号电路允许一定程度的操作者控制抛物线功能。 输出级提供抛物线输出信号。 包括第一视频信号和第二视频信号的混合的输出信号消除了在现有技术类型的视频信号混合器中否则将产生不连续性的信号区域中的不连续性。

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