An electrostatic confinement apparatus for producing nuclear fusion comprises a capacitor assembly, having a hollow cathode element (230) defining a reaction chamber (238), and an anode element (220) substantially surrounding the cathode element (230). An electrical source (280) provides a direct current potential between the anode element (220) and the cathode element (230). A fuel supply assembly (240, 242, 244, 246) includes a fuel receptacle (24) which is electrically coupled to the cathode element (230) such that, in use, fusion reactive fuel flows into the reaction chamber (238) having the same electric potential of the cathode element (230). A medium having a high dielectric constant occupies the cavity (260) between the anode and cathode elements (220, 230). An accelerator exhaust tube (250) may form part of a thrust engine.
Предлагается принципиально новый подход к решению проблемы управляемого термоядерного синтеза (УТС), суть которого - замена существующего безуспешного управления хаотическим движением частиц-ядер, подлежащих синтезу, на управление упорядоченным движением их. То есть, предлагается термоядерный реактор, работа которого базируется на резонансном взаимодействии "медленно" переменных электромагнитных полей управления, которые создают резонансные электромагниты-зеркала, и "быстро" переменных электромагнитных полей, которые создает упорядоченное движение заряженных частиц-ядер по право- и левовинтовой траекториях между резонансными электромагнитами-зеркалами. В точках пересечения траекторий выполняются условия критерия Лоусона - условия для синтеза частиц-ядер. Энергия синтеза аккумулируется траекториями движения заряженных частиц-ядер и через упомянутое взаимодействие электромагнитных полей выводится на сопротивление нагрузки (прямое преобразование энергии синтеза в электрическую). Описывается электромагнитная модель термоядерного реактора, на которой экспериментально зафиксировано существование резонансных электромагнитов-зеркал и др.
A system and method for containing plasma and forming a Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) magnetic topology are described in which plasma ions are contained magnetically in stable, non-adiabatic orbits in the FRC. Further, the electrons are contained electrostatically in a deep energy well, created by tuning an externally applied magnetic field. The simultaneous electrostatic confinement of electrons and magnetic confinement of ions avoids anomalous transport and facilitates classical containment of both electrons and ions. In this configuration, ions and electrons may have adequate density and temperature so that upon collisions they are fused together by nuclear force, thus releasing fusion energy. Moreover, the fusion fuel plasmas that can be used with the present confinement system and method are not limited to neutronic fuels only, but also advantageously include advanced fuels.
A method and an apparatus are provided for performing a fusion reaction. The method comprises providing neutral gas within a gas chamber, supplying energy to the gas chamber to initiate heating of a cathode and ionization of the neutral gas into protons and electrons, causing formation of a conducting channel due to the ionized neutral gas, causing formation of an electron layer outside the cathode based on set of thermionically emitted electrons by the heated cathode, causing acceleration of the electrons towards the cathode to cause the heated cathode to emit a set of secondary electrons due to a potential associated with the electron layer. The set of secondary electrons enhance strength of the electron layer. The method comprises causing formation of an electrostatic potential profile with dips and peaks, due to an electron-ion two-stream instability. The protons are accelerated towards the cathode at peaks and bombardment of the protons into the cathode enables fusion reaction.
Methods and systems are provided for plasma confinement utilizing various electrode and valve configurations. In one example, a device includes a first electrode positioned to define an outer boundary of an acceleration volume, a second electrode arranged coaxially with respect to the first electrode and positioned to define an inner boundary of the acceleration volume, at least one power supply to drive an electric current along a Z-pinch plasma column between the first second electrodes, and a set of valves to provide gas to the acceleration volume to fuel the Z-pinch plasma column, wherein an electron flow of the electric current is in a first direction from the second electrode to the first electrode. In additional or alternative examples, a shaping part is conductively connected to the second electrode to, in a presence of the gas, cause a gas breakdown of the gas to generate a sheared flow velocity profile.
A toroidal field coil for a tokamak plasma chamber having a central column. The toroidal field coil comprises first and second high temperature superconductor, HTS, assemblies comprising a respective one or more HTS tapes for conducting electrical current parallel to an axis of the central column. Each of the HTS tapes comprises HTS material having an associated critical current that is dependent on a magnetic field at the HTS tape when the central column is in use. The central column further comprises a cooling mechanism configured to preferentially cool the first HTS assembly relative to the second HTS assembly to reduce or eliminate a difference in the critical current of the or each HTS tape of the first HTS assembly relative to the critical current of the or each HTS tape of the second HTS assembly.
Изобретение может быть применено в производстве стационарных и мобильных модулей плазменных электрических генераторов электрической и тепловой энергии и синтез-генераторов. Электронно-управляемый плазменный электрический генератор для своей работы формирует управляемые потоки ионов и плазмы. Реализуется магнитооптическим накопителем, электронно-управляемым ускорителем, элементами сильноточной электроники: электронно-управляемая ионно-плазменная импульсная система. Существенным признаком данного изобретения является: использование сильноточной электроники триодной схемы и магнитных систем с электронным управлением и импульсным шагом изменения напряженности магнитного поля, изменение направления вектора индукции магнитного поля для формирования электронно-управляемых потоков плазмы. В качестве топлива, являющегося источником энергии, боридов, гидридов легких элементов и является эффективным генератором ионов в области взаимодействия, преобразующего энергию синтеза легких нуклонов в электрическую энергию.
A "liquid sandwich" vacuum vessel for magnetic confinement fusion of plasma includes two rigid structural "bread" members that form a double-walled vessel and a non-structural "cheese" material disposed between the walls. The inner member is semi-conductive and encloses a volume of fusing plasma, while the outer member may contact a neutron shield (e.g. a molten salt blanket) and is corrosion-resistant. The non-structural material is solid at room temperature, but is molten during fusion, and is preferably lead. The structural members may be steel or silicon carbide, or similar structural material. During a disruption of fusion, excess electrical energy that escapes from the plasma into the vessel will primarily shear the liquid material rather than the structural members, allowing the "bread" to be thin.
In one embodiment, a fusion reactor includes an enclosure, one or more internal magnetic coils suspended within an interior of the enclosure and co-axial with a center axis of the enclosure, one or more encapsulating magnetic coils co-axial with the center axis of the enclosure, the encapsulating magnetic coils having a larger diameter than the internal magnetic coils, one or more mirror magnetic coils co-axial with the center axis of the enclosure, and one or more magnetic reconnection coils co-axial with the center axis of the enclosure, wherein the one or more magnetic reconnection coils, when pulsed by a power source, are disposed to reconfigure one or more magnetic fields within the enclosure. The reconfiguration, or magnetic reconnection, of the one or more magnetic fields is disposed to increase energy in the magnetic fields, thereby facilitating the conditions operable to generate plasma, and further, when the magnetic fields are collapsed, releasing the energy into the plasma.
A tokamak plasma vessel. The tokamak plasma vessel comprises a toroidal plasma chamber, a plurality of poloidal field coils, an upper divertor assembly, and a lower divertor assembly. The plurality of poloidal field coils are configured to provide a poloidal magnetic field having a substantially symmetric plasma core and an upper and lower null, such that ions in a scrape off layer outside the plasma core are directed by the magnetic field past one of the upper and lower nulls to divertor surfaces of the respective upper and lower divertor assembly. Each of the upper and lower divertor assembly comprises a liquid metal inlet and a liquid metal outlet located below the liquid metal inlet. Each of the upper and lower divertor assembly is configured such that in use liquid metal flows from the liquid metal inlet to the liquid metal outlet over at least one divertor surface of the divertor assembly.