The heat resistant separation fabric for use as tool cover in glass processing comprises heat resistant yarns (100). The heat resistant yarns comprise a core (110) and at least one wrap yarn (123, 125). The core is a core yarn. The core yarn is a multifilament glass yarn. The at least one wrap yarns (123, 125) comprises stainless steel fibers. The core yarn is present in the heat resistant yarn without crimp. The at least one wrap yarn is wrapped around the core yarn.
A flame resistant fabric for the use in the construction of aviation airbags comprises a polyester fiber substrate which is treated with a first flame retardant. A polyurethane coating is applied to the polyester fiber substrate, which has been treated with the first flame retardant, to impart high pressure permeability resistance to the flame resistant fabric. The polyurethane coating comprises a second flame retardant to insure that the flame resistant fabric complies with Federal Aviation Requirement 25.853. The flame resistant fabric further comprises sufficient high pressure permeability resistance which is measured as a pressure of not less than about 198 kPa after five seconds from an initial inflation and pressurization to about 200 kPa, such as may be encountered in and during an inflation of aviation airbag assemblies.
La invención trata de un tejido vaquero o Denim de protección, con características ignífugas, así como el proceso de tintura de la urdimbre con colorante azul índigo sobre mezcla de fibras celulósicas y sintéticas, todo ello en orden a obtener un tejido ignífugo permanente, resistente a la llama, al calor, así como a la rotura o al rasgado, al corte, y a la abrasión por impacto. El tejido resulta también antiestático, y pudiéndose considerar como un tejido de protección tipo Denim ignífugo y además multi-riesgo, de manera tal que el colorante azul índigo se aplica sobre una mezcla de fibras celulósicas y sintéticas con características ignífugas permanentes tales como viscosa ignífuga, modal ignífugo,modacrílica, poliacrilato, poliamida, poliéster, carbón antiestático AS, para-aramida, meta-aramida, poliamida-imida, polietileno, PBI, con la finalidad de conseguir un tejido tipo auténtico Denim vaquero, con las características de la tintura a base del colorante azul índigo que pierde color al roce, al uso y al lavado.