본 발명은 종래 비닐 필름 또는 생분해성 필름을 소재로 한 멀칭재의 약한 강도(인장력) 문제점을 해소한 친환경 자연분해 멀칭재에 관한 것으로서, (A) 젤라틴 : PVA : 황촉규추출물을 3~7 : 10~15 : 0.2~1.5의 중량비로 포함하는 천연접착제 1중량부 ; 및 (B) 천연솜 : 천연레이온, 천연마 또는 그들의 혼합물인 섬유원료 : 코코넛피 및 아몬드피 또는 사탕수수 중에서 선택되는 하나 또는 둘 이상으로부터 추출한 천연섬유질을 15~29 : 12~22 : 7~13의 중량비로 포함하는 섬유질부 12~16중량부 ;를 포함하는 인장강도가 개선된 친환경 자연분해 멀칭재인 것을 특징으로 한다. 이상과 같은 본 발명에 의하면, 종래 생분해성 멀칭재보다 우수한 인장력을 가지게 되어 생산원가가 낮으면서도 생산공정이나 사용현장에서 비닐 필름 멀칭재와 동일한 방식으로 취급할 수 있는 친환경 자연분해 멀칭재의 제공이 가능해진다.
A plant protection is intended for protecting a plant against competing vegetation and/or vermin. The plant protection (1) comprises at least biodegradable plastic and bone meal in a mixture. Animal fibre, such as animal or human hairs, can be used as reinforcement.
The invention relates to a method and machine for the treatment of the germination substrate (2) surface, surface treatment and germination module so obtained. The method for the treatment of the surface of a sowing substrate which is contained in an alveolar container (1) or is pressed in "small cubes" disposed.in boxes or is formed in germination modules disposed in a container, method which is executed after the filling of the alveolar containers or the formation of the "small cubes" with the substrate (2) or the positioning of the germination modules in the containers and after the distribution of the seeds, and which comprises a phase of covering the substrate (2) with a surface coating; method characterized in that the surface coating is executed by. means of a light substance (6) in substantially liquid or gelatinous phase, that is a light preferably inert substance suitable to adhere to the substrate surface.
A low density fibrous mat (10), (24) for use as a self-contained support system to enhance the growth and probability of survival of an established seedling or a viable seed (30) which has at least two adjoining layers (20) and (22) or (26) and (28) of lignocellulose fibers bonded together by an adhesive of the type weakened by exposure to an outdoor environment. One embodiment is intended to be used to support an established seedling and may contain additives beneficial to the development of the seedling such as nutrients, growth stimulants or herbicides. A second embodiment has viable seeds (30) disposed within the mat and functions additionally as a medium for germination of the seeds. Also disclosed are a method and apparatus (40 - 48) for manufacturing the mat.
본 발명은 천연마, 천연레이온, 천연솜 또는 그들이 혼합물인 섬유원료; 아몬드피 또는 야자수피로부터 추출한 천연섬유질;식물성아교 또는 동물성아교인 천연접착제; 색소; 및 첨가제를 포함하는 친환경 자연분해 멀칭재에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 친환경 자연분해 멀칭재는 모두 천연재질로만 구성되어 있으므로 농작물 뿌리 근처에 덮어도 토양의 호흡이 가능하고 또한 그대로 토양미생물에 의하여 자연 분해됨으로써 별도의 제거공정이 필요하지 않아, 인력절감의 효과가 있다. 또한 각종 유해가스를 방출하여 토양오염을 방지하게 되며, 용존산소량의 증가로 유해 미생물의 증식으로 병해충으로부터 저항력이 강해져 작물의 수확에도 상당한 영향을 미치는 것이 확인되었다.특히 멀칭재의 분해 과정에서 유용미생물의 먹이가 되며, 태양광의 투과를 막아 잡초의 발아 및 생장을 억제하고, 자연생태계 질서회복과 유용미생물의 생장으로 인한 좋은 발효퇴비 원료가 될 수 있는 효과가 있음을 확인 하였다.
Embodiments of the present invention are methods and chemical compositions of polymers and crosslinking agents that are particularly suited to aggregate, including soil and other natural aggregates, stabilization via hydraulic application. The present invention is an improvement over existing methods as it provides effective stabilization for longer periods. The compositions, when in an aqueous solution and applied to soil or aggregate surfaces, penetrate the surface polymerize and form a crosslinked polymer film. Individual aggregate particles may bind to the polymer or may be entrapped by the polymer film. In the environment, the film is substantially resistant, in the near term, to bio-degradation and natural, physical degradation due to weathering and exposure. The resultant polymer film and aggregate or bonded fiber matrix resists erosion by strong wind and heavy rain but readily allows seeds to germinate and grow. The crosslinked film is also substantially insoluble but nevertheless is biodegradable over the long term, ultimately decaying into harmless products. In addition a procedure for control of viscosity in the field application is described making possible cost savings by reducing the amount of required water for delivery.
Biodegradable fibrous support for soil mulching, characterized in that it is coated with an aqueous solution based on biodegradable natural latex from the rubber tree.
A multi-functional paper and a method of making the same are disclosed. Said method includes following steps: providing a raw material for papermaking; obtaining a cleaned pulp via a special treatment; adding at least one functional aids into the cleaned pulp; and formation of a paper having multi-functions. The paper has following properties: non-pollution, natural degradable, good light-hindered properties. It can be used as a carrier of anti-microorganism, therefore, it can be used as a substrate of preventing grasses, prevention and cure of plant diseases and insect pests, planting cultures, educating young plants, and fertilizations.
The invention concerns a ground-cover (11) for protecting the ground (1) and crops growing thereon (2), a method and a device for making such a ground-cover. The ground-cover is formed by an opaque layer matching the shape of the ground, comprising natural, vegetable or animal fibres, opaque to light, optionally at least an opacifier, and a biodegradable binding product with an aqueous base to agglomerate the fibres and the opacifier.