The present invention provides for the use of by-products of plant industries possessing carboxyl group compounds in plant cultivation applications wherein the growth or survival of living plants are liable to be adversely affected by their non-aerial portions being in the presence of inappropriate levels of carboxylic acids and of their dissociation products. The by-products being treated with appropriate amounts of environmentally safe water soluble carbonates penetrating the pieces of the by-products, and as necessary this being followed by removal of water soluble compounds before the introduction of treated material to plant growth media or substrates or before the treated material being utilised in a mulching role.
본 발명에 따른 농작물 재배 온실은, 지면에 반복적으로 형성된 두둑과 고랑을 따라 위치되어 상기 두둑의 농작물 위치에 구멍을 가지는 멀칭 비닐(mulching vinyl); 두둑의 양 측부에서 일측 고랑과 타측 고랑에 고정되고 일측 고랑과 타측 고랑을 이어주도록 두둑을 고공(高空)으로 지나 두둑의 농작물을 덮는 터널(tunnel) 비닐; 및 지면에 고정되어 멀칭 비닐 상에서 터널 비닐로부터 이격되어 멀칭 비닐과 터널 비닐을 덮는 하우스(house) 비닐을 포함하고, 멀칭 비닐과 터널 비닐과 하우스 비닐은 개별적으로 볼 때 복수의 층(層)으로 이루어진다.
A mulch composition 10 and a method of manufacturing thereof are provided. The mulch composition 10 is preferably composed of a fibrous peat material 11, biomass-derived unfractionated pyrolysis oil 12 and water, and may further include an additive 3, such as biochar, bio-ash or potato flour. A ground cover for a soil substrate 20 is formed by distributing the mulch composition 10 over the soil substrate. Uses of said mulch composition 10 in combatting pests and in soil reclamation and improvement are further provided.
A process for manufacturing a bio-polymer mulch film is provided. The process comprises coating at least parts of a surface of a bio-polymer film with a functional material. The functional material may comprise a light absorber material, a light reflector material and/or a pigment.
A composite film comprising at least two-layers of film is described. This film is suitable for soil-warming, and comprises at least one first layer of film comprising one or more thermoplastic polyurethanes and at least one second layer of film comprising one or more hydrocarbon polymers. This film is also described as being suitable for soil-warming of soils that are utilized for agriculture such as, e.g., for the solar sterilization of the soil.
This invention relates to a preparation and a method for reducing the consumption of water in agriculture and other activities in which plants are cultivated, and which at the same time helps to reduce the seepage of nutrient-rich, fertiliser-saturated water into the ground water. More particularly, the invention relates to an electronegative, antioxidising powder mixture which, upon application to an upper layer of soil, is capable of forming a biologically degradable membrane in the upper layer of soil, preferably comprising the surface of the soil and a biologically active zone for root and plant formation, wherein the membrane has a combined effect in that it increases the retention time of water and nutrients in the root zone, has an antioxidising effect on the environment in order to combat ozone and other free radical induced damage to the vegetation, and regulates the albedo of the top soil layer so that the temperature in the root zone is held within the temperature at which the plants thrive. This is obtained by a powder mixture comprising a water-soluble, dried and ground organic raw material from marine brown algae with at least one added pigment, and that the powder mixture is exposed to an E-field of negative polarity so that the material at least is saturated with electrons.
The invention describes a biologically degradable ground cover, formed by a nonwoven which matches the profile of the surface of the ground, obtainable by applying a solution of organic binder and biologically degradable fibres, preferably of vegetable and/or animal origin, to the ground wherein the organic binder comprises alginate and the biologically degradable fibres are held in a liquid medium. Furthermore, the invention describes a method for applying a biologically degradable ground cover of this type in the form of one or more liquid media, and a dry mixture for preparing a medium of this type.
The invention relates to a plant and/or soil substrate and to a method for producing the same. The inventive substrate comprises at least one water-binding agent in the form of polyacrylate and/or water-storing silicate. The inventive method is characterized by mixing the water-binding agent in the form of polyacrylate with the water-storing silicate.
A hydratable oxidized keratin composition comprising one or more metal ion species capable of absorbing water to form a hydrogel. The keratin material is useful as a soil amendment providing organic and inorganic nutrients. The keratin material is also useful as a nutrient source in the bioremediation of toxic contaminants soils and liquids.