A method for filling bags (S1,S2) with bulk products comprises the following steps: providing a quantity (QP;P1,P2) of product for filling a bag (S1); dispensing the quantity of product through a connection duct (B14) towards a filling station (R1) provided with filling means (R11) designed to fill a bag (S1) with the product; filling the bag (S1) with the quantity (QP;P1,P2) of product, in said filling station. The quantity of product is intercepted and retained inside the connection duct (B14), before arrival at the filling means of the filling station (R1) and is deaerated by means of deaeration means (200; 201). A filling apparatus and a bagging machine are configured to implement the filling method.
Die Erfindung betrifft eine Transfereinrichtung zur Anordnung zwischen einer Dosiervorrichtung und der Befüllvorrichtung einer Schlauchbeutelmaschine, wobei mit der Dosiervorrichtung eine vorgegebene Füllmenge des zur Befüllung eines Schlauchbeutels vorgesehenen Füllguts dosiert werden kann, und wobei die Transfereinrichtung zumindest eine Eingabestation, zumindest eine Abgabestation und mehrere Transferbehälter (13) umfasst, und wobei eine vorgegebene Füllmenge eines Füllguts in der Eingabestation aus der Dosiervorrichtung an die die Transferbehälter (13) übergeben werden kann, und wobei die Transferbehälter (13) entlang einer Transferstrecke zu der Abgabestation transportiert werden, und wobei das Füllgut in der Abgabestation aus den Transferbehältern (13) in die Befüllvorrichtung übergeben werden kann, und wobei die Transferbehälter (13) entlang einer Rücktransferstrecke zurück zur Eingabestation transportiert werden, wobei die Transfereinrichtung mit einer Transfersteuerung gesteuert wird, wobei die Transfersteuerung den Übergabeprozess in der Abgabestation zur Übergabe des Füllguts aus einem Transferbehälter (13) in die Befüllvorrichtung der Schlauchbeutelmaschine a) in Abhängigkeit von der Position des Transferbehälters (13) relativ zur Befüllvorrichtung und/oder b) in Abhängigkeit von der Geschwindigkeit des Transferbehälters (13) steuern kann.
A machine (11) to manufacture cartridges (3) for electronic cigarettes (2) comprising a casing (5) made of plastic material; the manufacturing machine (11) comprises a drum (12) rotating at a predetermined pitch around its own vertical rotation axis, which receives an orderly mass of empty casings (5) from a feeding conveyor (13), in correspondence to a collecting station (PS), and feeds them through a succession of processing stations (FS, WRS,, FRS, CDS, CS); in which, the first drum (12) is provided with a plurality of peripheral seats (23), each designed to receive a respective casing (5) and which are divided into groups comprising the same number of seats (23) arranged substantially in line so as to form, in plan view, a polygon on the surface of the first drum (12); in which the casings (5) of the seats (23) of a same group are simultaneously subjected to the processes in correspondence to the succession of processing stations (FS, WRS,, FRS, CDS, CS).
An apparatus (10) for making a product, preferably a food product for making a drink by infusion in a respective liquid, preferably in water, especially in hot water; the product being obtained from a raw material comprising or formed by respective particles, in particular powder, granules, pieces or the like, for example of roasted and ground coffee; the apparatus comprises supporting means (12) for means (14) for making respective products starting from a respective predetermined or measured portion of raw material, which making means (14) comprise means (16) for aggregating particles of the predetermined portion of raw material.
Maquina de ensacar areia, brita, barro, terra e granulados úmidos como argamassa e adubo orgânico, em uma única estrutura composta de Silo de armazenagem, conjunto vibrador, dosador, balança estrutura de sustentação. Otimizando espaço e tempo com maior ergometria, praticidade e padronização do produto final.
A powder feeder (2) for container filling machines, which comprises a powder supply duct (9) that extends in a substantially vertical direction and is connected in a downward region to a plurality of feed ducts (10), which are distributed around it and are connected, by means of their outlet, to the powder storage reservoir (6) of a filling machine (1); inside the supply duct (9), at least one powder distribution element being provided, which can rotate about a rotation axis and has at least one surface that is inclined with respect to its rotation axis; the distribution element can be actuated on command with a rotary motion about its rotation axis, in order to distribute the powders toward the feed ducts (10) substantially uniformly.
An apparatus and method are provided for filling multi chamber containers with different loose bulk materials. The apparatus and method may be particularly well suited to packaging at least one bulk material, which is susceptible to water, chemicals, or other contaminants, with at least one other bulk material. The apparatus is a machine that includes separate hoppers for handling the separate bulk materials, and directs the separate bulk materials into different chambers of a multi chamber container, which is then transported away from the machine for storage or use. The machine may include one or more movable hoppers supported on tracks, for moving the bulk materials to the hoppers that direct the bulk materials into different chambers of the multi-chamber container. A controller and data logger may be provided to control the apparatus and record the quantity and/or weight of the contents of each multi-chamber container.
This invention relates to a filler device for filling a flexible bag with a product, e.g. a solid fluent product. The device includes a first chamber (20), for receiving the product at a first end and having an aperture at a second end; and a second chamber (30), communicating with the second end of the first chamber. The second chamber has a flap (35) at a second end, which is moveable from a first state, wherein the second end of the second chamber is sealed, to a second state, wherein the second end of the second chamber is open. The second chamber may also have an internal taper, and the second end thereof may be at an angle to its longitudinal axis.
A method for reducing product breakage while filling a product into a package and apparatus for accomplishing the same. The invention describes reducing the momentum of product falling through a filling apparatus to reduce collisions of the product with other product and with the apparatus, thus reducing breakage. The vertical momentum, in one embodiment is transferred to horizontal momentum by imparting a swirling motion onto the product via swirling vanes located on the funnels. Because the product swirls in a controlled direction, collisions and breakage is effectively reduced. In another embodiment, the product encounters bumpers which absorb a portion of the products momentum and which prevent damaging collisions.