Изобретение относится к производству солей бромидов металлов из бромоносных поликомпонентных рассолов при комплексной их переработке и может быть использовано для получения товарных продуктов NaBr, CaBr2Н2О, MgBr22H2O, SrBr22Н2О, LiBrН2О, Li2CO3, LiClH2O, LiOHН2О, MgO, MgCl2, Ca(OCl)2, SrCO3 из промысловых рассолов хлоридного кальциево-магниевого типа нефтегазодобывающих предприятий. Изобретение включает решения по глубокой очистке промыслового рассола от нефтепродуктов, железа и марганца, получение бромидных растворов абсорбцией брома из произведенных методом воздушной десорбции бромвоздушных смесей щелочными растворами или пульпами в присутствии восстановителей, извлечение хлорида лития из промыслового рассола, прошедшего стадию извлечения брома на селективном к литию гранулированном сорбенте ДГАЛ-С1 с получением первичного литиевого концентрата в виде водного раствора хлорида лития из которого производят Li2CO3, LiClН2О и LiOHH2O. Часть продуктивного рассола прошедшего стадию извлечения брома и лития используют для производства Mg(OH)2, MgO, MgCl26H2O, нейтрального Са(OCl)2 и стронциевого концентрата. Изобретение также позволяет производить из промысловых рассолов растворы NaOH и Na2CO3, Cl2, Н2, используемые как реагенты и энергоносители для получения Li2CO3, Mg(OH)2, Са(OCl)2 и SrCO3.
The disclosure relates to a novel plant process for purifying hydrogen halide solutions. The process includes halogenating the organic compounds, particularly phenolic compounds, in the hydrogen halide solution to precipitate the halogenated compounds. The halogenated compounds can be filter, the hydrogen halide solution further purified on an adsorbent bed, and the clean hydrogen halide solution can be recycled or used in other processes.
The present invention relates to a process for generating cyanogen bromide (BrCN) comprising the steps of: mixing a fluid containing a bromine source with a fluid containing a cyanide source, reacting the bromine source and the cyanide source with each other to give a reaction mixture containing cyanogen bromide, and purifying the reaction mixture by means of a membrane-based separation to give (purified) cyanogen bromide. The present invention further relates to an apparatus configured for continuously generating cyanogen bromide and an apparatus configured for continuously generating bromine, which both apparatuses may be combined, as well as a process for synthesizing a nitrogen-containing compound.
This invention provides a process for forming elemental bromine. The process comprises bringing feeds of a gas comprising hydrogen bromide and a gas comprising molecular oxygen into contact with a catalyst comprising cerium oxide and/or cerium bromide on an inorganic oxide support. The process is characterized in that the catalyst contains cerium in an amount of about 25 wt% to about 75 wt%, expressed as cerium oxide, relative to the total weight of the catalyst, and that the feeds are at a temperature of about 200°C or below during process initiation, with the proviso that when the feeds are at a temperature of about 100°C or below, the feeds are anhydrous during process initiation.
L'invention concerne un procédé de préparation d'acides minéraux d'origine naturelle, notamment l'acide chlorhydrique et l'utilisation des acides obtenus en synthèse organique.
Processes and systems that include use of a packed wet oxidation reactor for oxidizing aqueous metal bromide salts in a bromine-based process for converting lower molecular weight alkanes to higher molecular weight hydrocarbons. A stream comprising a dissolved metal bromide salt may be oxidized in a wet oxidation reactor comprising a packed section to produce at least a partially oxidized liquid stream comprising oxidized products of the metal bromide salt and a gaseous bromine stream comprising elemental bromine.
A method is provided for converting hydrogen bromide to elemental bromine. A portion of an initial hydrogen bromide-rich gas is thermally oxidized at a thermal oxidation temperature to produce a first fraction of elemental bromine and a remainder of the initial hydrogen bromide-rich gas. At least a portion of the remainder of the initial hydrogen bromide-rich gas is catalytically oxidized at a lower catalytic oxidation temperature to produce a second fraction of elemental bromine.
Described herein are methods for decreasing the amount of mercury in a flue gas that contains mercury through the use of a molecular halogen. Also described are chemical processes for carrying out the methods, and systems for carrying out the chemical processes.
Processes are provided for recovering bromine values from brominated flame retardant materials in the form of HBr or Br 2 and for using such recovered HBr and/or Br 2 to reduce mercury emissions during coal combustion.
Processes are provided for recovering bromine values from brominated flame retardant materials in the form of HBr or Br 2 and for using such recovered HBr and/or Br 2 to reduce mercury emissions during coal combustion.