US4996427A Imager for simultaneously obtaining two images of differing color bands using a single photodetector area array 失效

Imager for simultaneously obtaining two images of differing color bands
using a single photodetector area array
The invention relates to an imager for simultaneously obtaining two images of differing color bands of the same object field using a single two dimensional photodetector array. A Fresnel-biprism with two different color filters on the respective left and right aperture halves convergently displaces the two images. An objective lens focuses the filtered convergent images upon a photodector array, the left and right halves of which are covered by a second filter pair. The second pair of filters pass the same color bands as the first pair of filters but the order of the color bands bands is reversed from left to right. As a result of the filtering and convergence, the photodetector array, aligned with its columns parallel to the filter boundaries, responds with its left half to one color image and with its right half to the other color image. The arrangement provides two color band operation without resorting to a second photodetector array, or duplicate read out electronics, and when used in the IR spectrum avoids the need for additional cryogenic apparatus.