US5351938A Apparatus for fabricating a foil 失效

Apparatus for fabricating a foil
This active brazing serves to braze ceramic parts or single crystals or metal parts or to braze ceramic parts to single crystals or ceramic parts or single crystals to metal parts. In addition to the zirconium-nickel alloy, which is composed of 70 atom % to 85 atom % zirconium and 15 atom % to 30 atom % nickel, it contains titanium. In an apparatus for fabricating a foil (6) from this ternary active-brazing alloy by melt spinning which has a uniform thickness and two surfaces that are as smooth as possible, the alloy, after being melted by high-frequency heating in a cylindrical crucible (1) made completely of a high-temperature-resistant and highly thermally conductive nonmetallic material, particularly of high-density graphite or of boron nitride, is forced through an opening (3) in the bottom of the crucible onto a metal drum (5) of high thermal conductivity rotating at a high circumferential speed, on which the liquid alloy solidifies at a cooling rate on the order of 10.sup.3 to 10.sup.6 .degree. C./s. A product made using this ternary active brazing is a pressure sensor (10) having a substrate (12) and a diaphragm (11) of ceramic, particularly alumina ceramic, preferably with a purity of 96 wt.%, which are thermally joined around the periphery in a defined spaced relationship (d) and parallel to each other by means of the active brazing, e.g., by means of a preform (20) made therefrom, thus forming a chamber (13).